Towards STEP Interchange Seeing the Document as a Snapshot of the Data Presentation by Daniel Rivers-Moore, Technical Director, RivCom to the 4th International HyTime Conference Montreal, Wednesday 20 August 1997 © 1997, RivCom, Lotmead Business Village, Swindon SN4 0UY, UK All rights reserved
4th International HyTime Conference -Montreal - 20 August SGML and Industrial Data ISO 8879 (and family) Standard Generalized Markup Language HyTime DSSSL XML ISO (and family) STandard for the Exchange of Product model data MANDATE (Manufacturing Data) PLIB (Parts Library) Parametrics How can they work together?
4th International HyTime Conference -Montreal - 20 August “... There is a pressing requirement in many industries for product data and related information, of the kind typically contained in documents, to be managed in an integrated way throughout the product lifecycle. Like product data, document contents need to be modelled, identified, controlled, stored, assembled, configured, queried, navigated, delivered and shared within and among enterprises, in a system-neutral and platform- independent way. ” SGML and Industrial Data Preliminary Work Item for ISO TC184/SC4/WG10
4th International HyTime Conference -Montreal - 20 August Lifecycle management of data Configuration management and change control Identification, referencing and linking Document as snapshot of data We want it now!! SGML and Industrial Data Industry Requirements (San Diego, June1997)
4th International HyTime Conference -Montreal - 20 August
a simple product the only part a complex product a part another part A simple product database expressed as a tree of nested elements A more complex case handled in the same way
4th International HyTime Conference -Montreal - 20 August A flat structure using EMPTY elements with attributes Using IDREFs allows one-to- many links Or even many-to- many links, but in a one-sided way. (Where is the part information in the product record?)
4th International HyTime Conference -Montreal - 20 August a complex product a part another part HyTime addresses the problem by separating out the link elements Note that only elements have content, and only link elements have attributes other than ID This version is 'fully normalized'
4th International HyTime Conference -Montreal - 20 August Full normalization a complex product a part another part No normalization a complex product a part another part
4th International HyTime Conference -Montreal - 20 August a complex product a part another part A hybrid form which uses a top layer of elements to distinguish element types which are different in kind
4th International HyTime Conference -Montreal - 20 August