Urgency of Winning Souls John 1:35-51
Indifference Keeps us from accomplishing things Occupied by other things Take the lost for granted Get used to it See it as a hopeless task
Vastness of The Task Statistics (2011) –More than 6,000,000,000 people –Dying at the rate of 107 per minute
Vastness of The Task Most effective method –One on one (John 1:40-42, 45) –Method used by the early church (Acts 8:6-8, 26-40) –We have the “water to put out the fire”
Nature of The Soul Made in God’s image –Immortal –God’s offspring (Acts 17:23-29)
Nature of The Soul Conscious existence forever –“Man was made for eternity.” (Abraham Lincoln) –Denied by Adventists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc. –The inner man (Matthew 10:28; 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:5)
Presence of Satan What is an enemy? –Natural enemies in the animal kingdom –Preserves the balance of nature
Presence of Satan Satan our spiritual enemy –Walks about (Job 1:6, 7) –Seeks to harm us (1 Peter 5:8) –Knows that sin is deadly (Ezekiel 18:4; Romans 6:23) –Accountable (Romans 6:16-18)
Brevity of Life Begin to die at birth –A vapor (James 4:14) –“Time is what life is made of” (Benjamin Franklin)
Brevity of Life Certainty of the judgment –Appointment (Hebrews 9:27) –Accountable (2 Corinthians 5:10)
Heaven and Hell Heaven a wonderful place –Hard to comprehend (Revelation 4:1-4) –No more terrible things (Revelation 21:8) –Reunited with loved ones (2 Samuel 12:23)
Heaven and Hell Hell a terrible place –Eternal like heaven (Matthew 25:41, 46) –Described in graphic terms (Mark 9:43, 44)
Conclusion Greatest thing to do for others is teach them Make it a priority