Codes and conventions, Target Audiences, and Market Research Of Planet Earth, Big Fat Gypsy Wedding, Dynamo: Magician Impossible, Spellbound and Great Barrier Reef: Nature’s Miracle
Planet Earth Epic, orchestral music. Epic, orchestral music. Sweeping, panoramic shots. Sweeping, panoramic shots. Slow moving camera shots. Slow moving camera shots. Slow pacing to build tension. Slow pacing to build tension. A ‘Voice of God’ narrative. A ‘Voice of God’ narrative. Codes and Conventions
Planet Earth Planet Earth is most likely aimed at an adult audience (approx years old) with an interest in nature, due to the sophisticated content and relatively slow pacing that younger audiences would soon tire of. Planet Earth is most likely aimed at an adult audience (approx years old) with an interest in nature, due to the sophisticated content and relatively slow pacing that younger audiences would soon tire of. Target Audience
Planet Earth The DVD box set cover creates a sense of grand scale and mystery with the light shining off the horizon into the darkness of space and displays the sense of natural beauty envisioned throughout the series. The DVD box set cover creates a sense of grand scale and mystery with the light shining off the horizon into the darkness of space and displays the sense of natural beauty envisioned throughout the series. Market Research
Big Fat Gypsy Wedding Overly elaborate text symbolises the subject’s focus on flash over substance. Overly elaborate text symbolises the subject’s focus on flash over substance. Very easy, light music merely to keep pacing and to keep some kind of sensory stimulus. Very easy, light music merely to keep pacing and to keep some kind of sensory stimulus. Close up camera shots to emphasise the importance of tiny events and over imposes the subject’s importance. Close up camera shots to emphasise the importance of tiny events and over imposes the subject’s importance. Camera quality is kept no more than adequate with the sound quality allowing noises from outside the shop in, creates interpolation and familiarity Camera quality is kept no more than adequate with the sound quality allowing noises from outside the shop in, creates interpolation and familiarity Music appears to almost amplify comedic effect at certain times, turning almost ‘jingle-like’ Music appears to almost amplify comedic effect at certain times, turning almost ‘jingle-like’ Codes and Conventions
Big Fat Gypsy Wedding The show is likely aimed at adult to middle aged female audiences (ranging from years of age) due to the highly feminised content of fashion and weddings, however the boorish attitude and inadvertent comic appeal of the show may possibly hold male audiences of a similar age range. The show is likely aimed at adult to middle aged female audiences (ranging from years of age) due to the highly feminised content of fashion and weddings, however the boorish attitude and inadvertent comic appeal of the show may possibly hold male audiences of a similar age range. Target Audience
Big Fat Gypsy Wedding The imposition of the ‘Bigger. Fatter. Gypsier.’ Conveys the standoffish and imposing personalities of the documentaries subjects and the inclusion of the housing estate in the background shows the relatable settings and nature. The imposition of the ‘Bigger. Fatter. Gypsier.’ Conveys the standoffish and imposing personalities of the documentaries subjects and the inclusion of the housing estate in the background shows the relatable settings and nature. Market Research
Dynamo: Magician Impossible Use of rap styled music over establishing shot of London conveys a sense of grit to the show. Use of rap styled music over establishing shot of London conveys a sense of grit to the show. Long panning and establishing shots creates sense of grandness and wonder. Long panning and establishing shots creates sense of grandness and wonder. Shaky, handheld camera effect creates personalisation and familiarity. Shaky, handheld camera effect creates personalisation and familiarity. Audio is kept unrefined to interpolate the viewer into the crowds. Audio is kept unrefined to interpolate the viewer into the crowds. Codes and Conventions
Dynamo: Magician Impossible The show is likely targeted at teens to adults (from years of age) and those with an interest in magic due to the occasional adult dialogue and mature, sophisticated nature of the tricks. The show is likely targeted at teens to adults (from years of age) and those with an interest in magic due to the occasional adult dialogue and mature, sophisticated nature of the tricks. Target Audience
Dynamo: Magician Impossible The inclusion of butterflies and playing cards makes for an interesting and curiosity evoking image, with the contrasting gray and white of the bottom to the oranges and yellows of the top, creates a surreal and ethereal look. The inclusion of butterflies and playing cards makes for an interesting and curiosity evoking image, with the contrasting gray and white of the bottom to the oranges and yellows of the top, creates a surreal and ethereal look. Market Research
Spellbound Light, metronome-like music creates the effect of a countdown, building tension and suspense. Light, metronome-like music creates the effect of a countdown, building tension and suspense. Voices and ambient noise of the scene kept level with the music instead of being removed to interpolate the viewer. Voices and ambient noise of the scene kept level with the music instead of being removed to interpolate the viewer. Use of establishing shots and emphasis on smaller actions creates a larger scale for the competition and changes the proportion of it to something much larger and more important. Use of establishing shots and emphasis on smaller actions creates a larger scale for the competition and changes the proportion of it to something much larger and more important. Codes and Conventions
Spellbound Spellbound is targeted at older audiences (approx years of age) as a way of reminiscing and admiring the arguably dying art of the Spelling Bee competitions and the prestige they hold in American Society. Spellbound is targeted at older audiences (approx years of age) as a way of reminiscing and admiring the arguably dying art of the Spelling Bee competitions and the prestige they hold in American Society. Target Audience
Great Barrier Reef Epic, operatic music that builds a highly cinematic style and creates a sense of discovery. Epic, operatic music that builds a highly cinematic style and creates a sense of discovery. Narrator is shown to give a personalising aspect to the film. Narrator is shown to give a personalising aspect to the film. Widespread use of large establishing shots to create a grand scale. Widespread use of large establishing shots to create a grand scale. Codes and Conventions
Great Barrier Reef Similar to Planet Earth’s target audience, those of adult age (20-55 year olds) with an interest in nature or academic pursuits, due to the sophisticated language and potentially confusing biological facts to those of younger ages. Similar to Planet Earth’s target audience, those of adult age (20-55 year olds) with an interest in nature or academic pursuits, due to the sophisticated language and potentially confusing biological facts to those of younger ages. Target Audience