Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1 Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Structure that produces sperm and the male hormone testosterone. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Thin tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Connects the ovary to the uterus. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
What is the part labelled ‘1’? (Hint: it’s connected to, but not part of, the reproductive system). Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Connects the uterus to the outside of the body. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Gland near the urethra that produces fluid for semen. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Gland off the sperm duct or vas deferens that secretes fluid for semen. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Sac that holds the testes. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Everyday term for the hollow, muscular organ that supports and nourishes the developing foetus. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Hormones made by the ovaries. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Tube that allows the passage of urine and semen out of the body (through the penis). Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Scientific name for the hollow, muscular organ that supports and nourishes the developing foetus. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Structure that allows faeces to exit the body (it’s close to, but not part of the reproductive system). Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Male hormone produced in the testes. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Part of the uterus that protects and nourishes the developing foetus. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Female gamete released by the ovaries. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Male sex organ that delivers sperm into the female reproductive tract. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Male gametes produced in the testes and stored in the epididymis. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
Substance produced by the male reproductive system containing sperm and fluid. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1
The regular changes to the female reproductive system including: Ovulation; the build up of the lining of the uterus in preparation for a fertilised egg; the shedding of the lining if the egg remains unfertilised. Evolution and Heredity Activity 5.1