Local Bridge Program Selection Bridge Section October 29, 2015
Bruce Johnson State Bridge Engineer Bert Hartman Bridge Program Managing Engineer Holly Winston Senior Local Bridge Standards Engineer Corey Withroe Bridge Program Coordinator Presenters
Selection Committee Members Bruce Johnson Holly Winston Chris Cummings State Bridge Engineer, Bruce Johnson Chair Three ODOT State Engineer Senior Local Bridge Standards Engineer Mobility Manager Three County MarionUmatillaJackson Three City PortlandSalemKlamath Falls Cindy Schmitt Tom Fellows Mike Kuntz David O'Longaigh Rick Barnes Mark Willret
Applicants Large Bridges (>30 ft 2 of deck) – 16 Eligible – 4 Applied – 4 Presented today On – System Bridges – 319 Eligible (89 of those for replacement) – 50 Applied (38 of those for replacement) – 33 Presented today (20 of those for replacement) Off – System System Bridges – 417 Eligible (140 for replacement) – 41 Applied (36 for replacement) – 27 Presented today (22 for replacement) On System: Rural Arterial or Major Collector, Urban Arterial or Collector Off System: Rural Collector or Local, Urban Local
Local Bridge Program Funding Funding Allocation –Uninflated totals with Local Match Big Bridge Uninflated, inc. match $21.5 million On-System Uninflated, inc. Match $27.3 million Off-System, Uninflated inc. Match $23.0 million
On and off System Bridge Replacement SRF = (50 – Sufficiency Rating) [Max. 50 points, Min. 0] TBF = 50 years old, TBF = 5; 30 years old, then TBF = 0 LDF = Load Deficiency - less than 5 tons, LDF = 25; 40 tons or more, then LDF = 0 UBF = Points Based on Use Benefit [Maximum 25 points] BNM = Bonus Needs Multiplier [Maximum 1.414] FCM = Functional Class Multiplier [Maximum 1.414] Technical Ranking System (TRS) calculation Points = (SRF+TBF+LDF+UBF) BNM X FCM 2 Max. Points = ( ) x 0.5 x x = 105
Large (> 30K ft 2 deck area) Bridges Bridge Section October 29, 2015
Bridge #06648 (Eugene) [Large bridge, rehab] > 50% concrete girders in CS3 1/3 of gusset plates, truss in CS3 Rusting steel Clogged joints, drains Rehab estimate: $1.8M Clean, spot paint Replace polyester concrete overlay TRS: 43.3 SR: 30.8
Bridge #05789A (Marion County) [Large bridge, rehab] Scour-related concerns Efflo & rust staining in deck 2 columns in CS3 16% of bearings in CS3 Urgent need to repair rail & sidewalk TRS: 29.4 SR: 42.5 Rehab estimate: $1.2M Scour protection, approach rail, patch concrete spalling
Bridge #40056 (Eugene) [Large bridge, rehab] 75% of deck in CS3 (soffit cracking and WS) 10% of girders in CS3 (cracking) Cracking in pier cap TRS: 25.3 SR: 38.5 Rehab estimate: $3.3M Deck seal, crack & spall repairs
Morrison Bridge (02758) (Multnomah County) [Large bridge, rehab] Posted for 10 tons, due to FRP Deck (project to address in place) Much of steel paint in CS4 TRS: 0.0 SR: 53.4 Rehab estimate: $22.7M Remove lead- based paint, repaint, install access catwalk