Welcome! Mrs. Allen 7 TH Pre-AP, ELA and SSI
Who is Mrs. Allen? This is my 18 th year teaching. I’ve taught both middle school and high school Pre-AP and GT ELA. 9 years of high school ELA –Pre/GT 9 years teaching middle school Graduated from UT at Austin with a B.A. in English Teaching cert from UTA.
Procedures- Language Arts All students need to read a minimum of 20 minutes nightly All homework is due on the due date- anything turned in past the due date will be subject to late points. NISD grading policy is followed for all assignments All assignments can be found on the class netSchool page. As a rule of thumb, check netSchool first! All tablets need to be charged and ready to go!
Procedures-Language Arts Vocabulary work from SAT vocab book every Tuesday and Thursday for Pre-AP Grammar due Wednesdays and Fridays. Springboard curriculum Summer Reading Project (due Sept. 15) Reading Goals Unit 1.1: revising and editing a personal narrative
SSI Increasing reading fluency
Book Fair!!!! Sept. 21st-25 th !
Tutorials Monday, Wednesday-Friday mornings 8:30. Lunch by appointment.
How to reach me (817)
How to see what we are doing in class. Netschool for English Classes
Net School for directions on assignments- Language Arts: = =9932
Finding a lesson
Example of Slideshow Lesson
Resources Examples of Expository format, Personal Narrative format, and exemplars can be found on the TEA website: iting/ iting/ Eventually, I will be posting exemplars as we get to those particular lessons.
Reading Goals Each student has crea
Book Fair!!!!!!! Sept 22-26
In this together!