Towards a Vision for the Future Nitin Mehta, CFA Managing Director, EMEA CFA Institute
More Members Towards a Vision for the Future 52/3/ ,000 > penetration 18,733 3, members
More Societies CFA Institute Members 2011 Towards a Vision for the Future 62/3/2012
Trust Deficit Source: Edelman Trust Barometer 2012 Towards a Vision for the Future 72/3/2012
Trust Deficit Source: Oliver Wyman Global Consumer Survey December 2011 Who do you trust the most to manage your retirement savings? If you are nervous about committing to savings for the long-term, why? Towards a Vision for the Future 82/3/2012
Specialists hedge fund manager credit analyst performance analyst real estate investor risk analyst private equity manager portfolio strategist trader Towards a Vision for the Future 92/3/2012
Content Access Open Access Control Access Towards a Vision for the Future 102/3/2012
Learning Technologies Learning Medium Learning Model Learning Management Webcast, Livestream Towards a Vision for the Future 122/3/2012
UOC Towards a Vision for the Future 132/3/2012 Click here emos/model_educatiu/index.html
Moodle Towards a Vision for the Future 132/3/2012 Click here eMDMic&feature=related
Avatars Towards a Vision for the Future 112/3/2012
Social Media Presence Towards a Vision for the Future 72/3/2012 As at 23 December 2011
Syndication Towards a Vision for the Future 72/3/2012
Social Media Stats Towards a Vision for the Future 72/3/2012
Social Media Towards a Vision for the Future 132/3/2012 Click here QAw
Vision of the Future Broader MissionBigger TentBolder Voice EducationEngagementEthics Towards a Vision for the Future 22/3/2012
Good Strategy, Bad Strategy Good Strategy diagnosis guiding policy coherent action “a good strategy creates strength through the coherence of its design.” Bad Strategy fluff fails to define challenge mistakes goals for strategy bad strategic objectives Towards a Vision for the Future 32/3/2012
Big Hairy Audacious Challenges 1Most investment professionals do not adhere to any defined code of conduct 2Many practitioners do not have sufficient education in finance and investment 3Many practitioners do not engage in regular and sufficient continuing education 4Most CFA Program candidates fail to obtain the charter 5Most end-investors have not heard of CFA Institute or the CFA charter 6Most investment professionals do not engage with their local professional society 7The investment profession is not seen as a thought-leader in important issues Towards a Vision for the Future 42/3/2012
Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) “ audacious 10-to-30- year goal to progress towards an envisioned future.” Collins and Porras, 1996 Building Your Company’s Vision Towards a Vision for the Future 132/3/2012
Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) Towards a Vision for the Future 132/3/2012 Click here