Exam #1 W 2/11 at 7:30-9pm in BUR 106 (bring cheat sheet) Bonuses Posted
PhenotypeGenotype Genes code for proteins (or RNA). These gene products give rise to traits… It is rarely this simple.
Human blood types AA or AO AB BB or BO OO (Codominance) Codominance: both alleles are fully expressed Box 44.2 phenotypegenotype
Incomplete dominance gives rise to blending. Fig 13.17
Sex determination is normally inherited by whole chromosomes or by number of chromosomes. Fig 13.10
X/Y chromosomes in humans Fig 13.10
The X chromosome has many genes; the Y chromosome only has genes for maleness.
Human sex chromosomes
X/Y chromosomes in humans should give rise to equal numbers of males and females Fig 13.10
105 males : 100 females (live births) Why?
105 males : 100 females (live births) Why?
Sex-linked traits are genes located on the X chromosome Fig 13.10
Color Blind Test
Sex-linked traits: Genes on the X chromosome No one affected, female carriers A= normal; a= colorblind colorblind normal Fig 13.11
Sex-linked traits: Genes on the X chromosome 50% of males affected, 0 % females affected A= normal; a= colorblind normal Fig 13.11
Sex-linked traits: Genes on the X chromosome 50% males affected, 50% females affected A= normal; a= colorblind colorblind normal Fig 13.11
Sex-linked traits: Genes on the X chromosome No one affected, female carriers 50% of males affected, 0 % female affected 50% males affected, 50% females affected A= normal ; a= colorblind Fig 13.11
CB Down syndrome is caused by too much information…trisomy 21, three of chromsome 21
How do females compensate for having two X chromosomes? Fig 13.10
X inactivation in mammals: females are a mosiac of inactivated X chromosomes
Is this all of your DNA?
Mitochondria have their own DNA.
Both Mitochondria and Chloroplast have DNA
Endosymbiotic Theory - proposed origin of mitochondria and chloroplasts from free-living bacteria to cellular organelles Fig 29.11
Human Life Cycle Combination of two individuals DNA
mitochondria Only the egg provides mitochondria to the offspring. Fig 22.5
Human Life Cycle In females Mom provides % and Dad provides % of DNA to offspring. … because Mom provides 100% of mitochondrial DNA
A few diseases are caused by mutations in mtDNA
Pedigree of a mitochondrial disease: (black signifies affected individual) Which shape represents females?
Pedigree of a mitochondrial disease: Males and females may be affected by a disease coded on mtDNA, but only females pass it on.
Mitochondrial DNA comparisons can be used to trace ancestry:
Tsar’s Family During the Bolshevik revolution, the Tsar’s family was captured and executed.
Tsar’s Family There are many stories about what happened to their youngest daughter Anastasia
Anna Anderson, claimed she was Anastasia
Anna Anderson claimed she was Anastasia, but tests of her mtDNA and one of Anastasia’s maternal relatives did not match.
For more info check out: Or the book “Seven Daughters of Eve” by Bryan Sykes
Exam #1 W 2/11 at 7:30-9pm in BUR 106 (bring cheat sheet) Bonuses Posted