At one time or other we all complain about "bias in the news." The fact is, despite the journalistic ideal of "objectivity," every news story is influenced by the attitudes and background of its interviewers, writers, photographers and editors. Not all bias is deliberate. But you can become a more aware news reader or viewer by watching for the following journalistic techniques that allow bias to "creep in" to the news:
BIAS THROUGH SELECTION AND OMISSION Editors can choose not to run a story Some details can be ignored, or included in a story If people boo, a reporter can write: Remarks greeted by jeers. Or... A handful of dissidents Compare news reports to discover this bias
BIAS THROUGH PLACEMENT Where a story is placed influences a reader into valuing its importance Front – important Back – not important
BIAS BY HEADLINE Most-read part of a paper Can incite excitement, or emphasize none
BIAS BY PHOTOS, CAPTIONS, AND CAMERA ANGLES What is biased about this photo 14 times
BIAS THROUGH USE OF NAMES AND TITLES Terrorist vs Freedom Fighter Ex-Con vs. Wrongfully Accused
BIAS THROUGH STATISTICS AND CROWD COUNTS What is the difference between these two: A hundred injured in air crash Only minor injuries in air crash
BIAS BY SOURCE CONTROL Perspective or vested interest of the source person(s) news release to advertise
BIAS BY WORD CHOICE AND TONE Positive vs. negative language to trigger a particular emotion