Jan 24, 2005Tracking Upgrades Welcome and Agenda Carl Haber 1 US ATLAS: Meeting on SLHC Tracking Upgrades Jan 2005 Lawrence Berkeley Lab Welcome and Agenda
Jan 24, 2005Tracking Upgrades Welcome and Agenda Carl Haber 2 Welcome to Berkeley
Jan 24, 2005Tracking Upgrades Welcome and Agenda Carl Haber 3 Participants Berkeley UC Santa Cruz Brookhaven Hampton Univ. Ohio State RAL Liverpool
Jan 24, 2005Tracking Upgrades Welcome and Agenda Carl Haber 4 Goals Review status of silicon upgrade efforts Prepare for upcoming ATLAS-wide tracking upgrade discussions –Feb meeting at CERN for all upgrades –Tracking specific meeting, July in Genoa Plans for efforts over the next 6-12 months “Hands-on” lab discussion of electronics testing and stave assembly Design review of phase-1 stave hybrid
Jan 24, 2005Tracking Upgrades Welcome and Agenda Carl Haber 5 Broad Agenda Monday AM: talks, video Monday PM: hybrid review, lab time Monday eve: group dinner at XXX, 7pm, map handout, rides needed? Tues AM: talks, video Tues PM: lab time, assembly Lunches will be at LBNL cafeteria
Jan 24, 2005Tracking Upgrades Welcome and Agenda Carl Haber 6 Monday Jan Welcome and agenda Carl Haber Overview of program, funding etc Abe Seiden Report from UKMarc Weber Report from UKPhil Allport break Inner Detector Simulation resultsDavid Lissauer Stave development projectCarl Haber Update on Stripixel development at BNLDavid Lynn Lunch at the LBNL cafeteria design review of Phase-1 stave, hybrid, continued discussion discussion of testing procedures lab time 1900 Dinner Tues Jan Intro and agendaCarl Haber Viking & ABCD test station development David Lynn DC-DC converters/power schemesMaurice Garcia-Sciveres Front End Electronics developmentsNed Spencer break New materials Hartmut Sadrozinski Discussion of issues, plans,design aspects (redundancy, power, segmentation…) Lunch at the LBNL Cafeteria discussion continuation lab time, examination of stave assembly process
Jan 24, 2005Tracking Upgrades Welcome and Agenda Carl Haber 7 Parameters LHC, SLHC LHC SLHC s 14 TeV 14 TeV L Bunch spacing t 25 ns 12.5 ns pp (inelastic) ~ 80 mb ~ 80 mb N. interactions/x-ing ~ 20 ~ 100 (N=L pp t) dN ch /d per x-ing ~ 150 ~ 750 charge particles ~ 450 MeV ~ 450 MeV Track density 1 10 Pile-up noise in cal 1 ~3 Dose central region 1 10
Jan 24, 2005Tracking Upgrades Welcome and Agenda Carl Haber 8 Elements of an SLHC Tracker < 20 cm: inner, dose:10 16 /cm 2 –new technology 20 < r < 50 cm: intermediate, dose: /cm 2 –pixels, short strips, strip-pixels –modularity, mass, reliability, system issues –60 m 2, 4K “SCT modules” > 50 cm: outer /cm 2 –strips –modularity, mass, construction logistics –140 m 2, 16K “SCT modules”
Jan 24, 2005Tracking Upgrades Welcome and Agenda Carl Haber
Jan 24, 2005Tracking Upgrades Welcome and Agenda Carl Haber 10 Development of Tracking Structures Address here the SCT region and the replacement of the TRT with silicon strip modules. Pursue certain generic or basic R&D to flesh out eventual direction(s). The modularity required or adopted will be effected by a number of factors –Experience from present SCT effort –Radius, occupancy, simulations –Material –Assembly logistics, cost, and schedule Starting concept is a stave (multi-module) structure as was studied for CDF Run2b
Jan 24, 2005Tracking Upgrades Welcome and Agenda Carl Haber 11 3 Phases + Related Project Phase 1: (FY05) Explore behavior of ATLAS electronics on a stave, leverage Run2b experience. –Assemble mock and real staves at LBNL and then BNL BNL Strip-pixel project: (FY05) Development of an ATLAS specific single-sided 2D detector. Phase 2: (FY05)Test of strip-pixel detector with analog and ATLAS binary readout at BNL. Phase 3: (FY06) Development of new ATLAS specific stave with strip-pixel or other appropriate readout.