CURR 285, FirstName LastName, This_Semester This_Year FirstName LastName Edit this slide; the content should be appropriate for all audiences. Your name Your photo A caption under the photo, centered Any images of your choice. Edit this page, as needed. (Delete this text box later.) 1. Three Things about Me 2. My Interests 3. My Favorite Educational Web Site
CURR 285, FirstName LastName, This_Semester This_Year Three Things About Me 1 Delete this later. Include on this slide: Describe three interesting things about yourself. Please use brief and complete sentences. Add appropriate images. (Delete this later.) 1. … 2. … 3. …
CURR 285, FirstName LastName, This_Semester This_Year My Interests 2 Delete this. My interests are: Being involved with my church. Being with the people I love. Working with children. Helping people. Include on this slide: Describe your goals or interests briefly. Please use brief and complete sentences. Add appropriate images Delete this.
CURR 285, FirstName LastName, This_Semester This_Year My Favorite Website 3 Delete this. My favorite educational website is […] because […]. Click on the circle below to visit this Website now. Edit: Change the URL text. Make sure the link works. Please use brief and complete sentences. Add a captured image from the website. Delete this.