The day Hercules was born he was already in trouble. His step mother Hera, the goddess of marriage, did not like Hercules because she didn't want Zeus having children with other people, so she sent two snakes to go and kill him.
Hercules saw the two serpents coming and childishly, strangled the two snakes.
Hercules grew up and married a beautiful woman named Megara. Together they had a perfect life and perfect children until….. Hera was still mad at Zeus so SHE sent a madness spell on Hercules to make him go crazy and he killed both his children and his perfect wife. Once Hercules came to his senses he saw what he had done and he screamed “WHAT HAVE I DONE”.
Hercules tried to find a way for the gods to forgive him so he went to someone named Delphi and asked Apollo, the God of the sun, if the gods would forgive him for what he has done and Apollo said that they will forgive him if he did twelve extremely hard jobs for someone named Eurystheus (Yer-iss-They-oos) people call them the twelve labors
Hercules later after the gods forgave him, he married a another woman named Deianira and they too had a happy life until one day an evil centaur named Nessus captured Deianara. Hercules shot his bow and arrow at Nessus and got him in the head. Hercules told Deinara to smear the centaur blood all over Hercules and they will love each other forever. So she did just that. But what was supposed to happen didn’t happen, it ended up killing Hercules.