Element & Periodic Table Quiz
1.Hydrogen (H) is the first element on the periodic table. It has only one electron and one proton. It is also the most abundant element in the entire universe. You will usually find it in the upper left of the periodic table.
2.False! Take a look at the table. You need to notice how oxygen (O) is above and to the left of chlorine (Cl). That location shows that it is lighter and has a lower atomic number. Generally, the atomic mass of elements increases as you move to the right and down the table.
3.The far right column of the periodic table is the home of the noble gases. Of the choices you had, only neon (Ne) is located in that column. Noble gases are also known as inert gases. The family includes helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe) and radon (Rn).
4.True! It's not as if they are the same element, but they do share characteristics. They both like to make four bonds and they are both located in the same column of the periodic table. Other elements in this column are germanium (Ge), tin (Sn), and lead (Pb). These other three elements are not as similar as carbon and silicon.
5.Gold (Au) was the right answer. Gold is a metal that you will usually find inside of the Earth. You will probably never see gold as a gas. Nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), and argon (Ar) are all found in the atmosphere. Nitrogen is the most common element found in our atmosphere
6.This one was a little harder. You needed to remember what elements were in which rows. The correct answer was "Sodium (Na), Carbon(C), Chlorine(Cl)” because carbon is actually in the second row.
7.There are about 118 known elements listed in the periodic table. As scientists continue to experiment with particle accelerators and cyclotrons, they will be able to make more elements. Many of the manmade elements on the periodic table only last for a few milliseconds before they break apart. seventh-row-iupac seventh-row-iupac
8.The elements of the periodic table are organized by atomic number. Hydrogen and helium make up the top row of the periodic table at numbers one and two. The atomic number represents the number of protons and electrons in a neutral atom.
9.You will not find information about the atomic radius of an atom. The square for each element will have the atomic number, atomic weight, name, and symbol for each element.
10.Dmitri Mendeleev is credited with designing the modern periodic table. Jason Priestly is an actor. Joseph Priestly and Antoine Lavoisier were both chemists. Albert Einstein developed theories about atomic particles, but was a modern physicist.
11. True! Rows in the periodic table are called periods. The columns of the periodic table are called groups.
12. All of these choices are different families of elements. Noble gases can be found on the far right of the periodic table with halogens just to the left. Alkali earth metals make up the second column.
13.The columns of the periodic table are called groups. In some cases, those columns represent families of elements. The rows of the periodic table are called periods. At the end of every period is a noble gas.
14. False! Noble gases are found on the far right of the periodic table. Halogens are in the second group form the right. Metals of all types are found around the left side of the periodic table. There may be earth, transition, or alkaline earth metals across the table.
15. True! Elements in the same groups, such as the halogens or noble gases, often share similar chemical properties. All of the noble gases are very nonreactive while all of the halogens are very reactive.