starter activity What advice would you give Mr Bean on how to do well in a GCSE History exam?
General tips Timing is crucial – by not answering the essay questions you throw away up to 50% of your marks for that section!!!! Timing is crucial – by not answering the essay questions you throw away up to 50% of your marks for that section!!!! Look at the marks available Look at the marks available Read the ‘attributions’ – the examiner is giving you clues not trying to catch you out Read the ‘attributions’ – the examiner is giving you clues not trying to catch you out If you are asked to use own knowledge – use it! If you are asked to use own knowledge – use it! If you run short of time, bullet point key facts If you run short of time, bullet point key facts Don’t spend too long on questions worth 4 marks at the expense of ones worth 8 or 10 Don’t spend too long on questions worth 4 marks at the expense of ones worth 8 or 10
How can I do well at Cold War Essays? Exam tips & techniques for Unit 2, Germany, paper LOs
Question (c) (10 marks) – You know these types of question well Question type: ‘Why was Nazi propaganda successful?’ or ‘How important was Stresemann in helping Germany recover?’ Question type: ‘Why was Nazi propaganda successful?’ or ‘How important was Stresemann in helping Germany recover?’ Identify a range of factors Identify a range of factors Use precise details, e.g. individuals, laws, organisations etc. Use precise details, e.g. individuals, laws, organisations etc. You MUST reach a judgement to access level 5 You MUST reach a judgement to access level 5
Cold War Question (e) (10 marks) Question type: essay style question, e.g. ‘The USA was successful in containing Communism up to 1949’ Question type: essay style question, e.g. ‘The USA was successful in containing Communism up to 1949’ Identify a range of successes: e.g. Marshall Aid; Berlin Airlift; NATO established Identify a range of successes: e.g. Marshall Aid; Berlin Airlift; NATO established Identify a range of failures: USSR detonate atomic weapon; salami tactics; “Iron curtain” Identify a range of failures: USSR detonate atomic weapon; salami tactics; “Iron curtain” You MUST reach a conclusion to reach level 4 You MUST reach a conclusion to reach level 4 Bullet point if you run out of time Bullet point if you run out of time
Cold War 10 Mark Question Generator Early Start of CW Ideology Leadership Successful policies Berlin Airlift Winners or losers? Success for who? Cuban Missile Crisis Victory for USA/USSR Responsibility for starting it? Later Berlin Wall Iron Curtain JFK vs Krushchev Arms Race Who won? Why Space Race? Vietnam Why did USA withdraw? Success for who?
Your task Set yourself 3 targets for the summer exams Set yourself 3 targets for the summer exams Can you guess what my tips for exam success will be….? Can you guess what my tips for exam success will be….? What advice can I give those Year 11s?
Plenary Plenary Top tips for exam success… Top tips for exam success… Pace yourself carefully – leave enough time for the essay-style questions at the end of each section Pace yourself carefully – leave enough time for the essay-style questions at the end of each section Read the labels carefully Read the labels carefully Provide as much factual detail as you can Provide as much factual detail as you can Plan to succeed! Plan to succeed! Don’t be a Mr Bean this summer!