1712 E Busch Blvd,Tampa, FL, (18 th St) Lead Pastor: Louie Vega Lead Worshipper: Vicky Vega Administrator: Tom McIntosh Small Group Director: Andrew May Young Adults: Joey & Dinah Children’s Director: Becky McCleary Welcome Center: Rosa Moreno Pantry Ministry: John Moreno January 18, 2015 – SERMON January 2015 Tithes for 12/07/14: $2, Designated $230 Tithes for 11/14/14: $1, Designated $ Tithes for 11/21/14: $ Designated Tithes for 11/28/14 $ Designated Total Tithes: $ $3, Total Offerings: $ General Funds Needed Per Week: $1, General Funds Needed per month: $ 7, Total Missed: For Week 1: Zero Missed - Up by $748 ; Week 2: $654 Week 3: - Week 4: January 2015 Tithes for 12/07/14: $2, Designated $230 Tithes for 11/14/14: $1, Designated $ Tithes for 11/21/14: $ Designated Tithes for 11/28/14 $ Designated Total Tithes: $ $3, Total Offerings: $ General Funds Needed Per Week: $1, General Funds Needed per month: $ 7, Total Missed: For Week 1: Zero Missed - Up by $748 ; Week 2: $654 Week 3: - Week 4:
Band of Brothers – Men’s Breakfast fellowship – this coming Saturday in the Pantry Building. We start at 9:45 AM and end at 12 Noon. Don’t miss it. Also, bring an unchurched friend that needs Christ as Lord & Savior. Small Group Directories are available in the Welcome Center. Small Groups: Unshackled on Monday (on campus) at 6 PM in the Pantry Building (Little House); Cornerstone on Steve & Liza’s home at 7 PM; Transformed on Jose & Mimi’s home at 8 PM. Last quarter Business Meeting scheduled for Wednesday February 4, 2015 At 7 PM in the Sanctuary. We will be voting – all members need attend. Sunday Mornings – 8:45AM Small Group for Men – 33 The Series Presents Pt 3 “A Man And His Traps. In the Children’s Church. Sunday Mornings – 9 AM Small group for Women: “True Women: 101” Divine Design. Group meets in Pastor’s Office. Download sermons on the web and pass them on. It’s another way of doing outreach and letting others know what God is doing at CTW. It’s a New Year with a New Opportunity to help build CTW’s Kidz church: To All CTW parents, please help your church build it’s most important resource - our kidz! Can you imagine what would happen if every one of Our parent decided to devote themselves to getting their kidz to church? Your children cannot get themselves here; they need you. Please think about ways that you can help build our children’s ministry. Please pray! It’s a New Year with a New Opportunity to help build CTW’s Kidz church: To All CTW parents, please help your church build it’s most important resource - our kidz! Can you imagine what would happen if every one of Our parent decided to devote themselves to getting their kidz to church? Your children cannot get themselves here; they need you. Please think about ways that you can help build our children’s ministry. Please pray! 11 AM - 12:30 PM – A Ministry Built By Parents For Kidz! Kidz Way Men’s Sunday Morning Small Group – 8:45 to 10:15 AM Sunday 9 AM – Women Only