Jonathan Edwards Child prodigy who entered Yale University at the age of 12 Graduated with a masters degree in 1722 and followed in the path of his father and grandfather to become a pastor Delivered nearly 1,200 sermons, “sinners in the hands of an angry God” being the most famous He was dismissed by his church in edwards-and-the-great-awakening-sermons- biography.html edwards-and-the-great-awakening-sermons- biography.html
Structure of a Sermon Epigraph Doctrine Reasons Application Epilogue
The Epigraph The epigraph was always a Biblical quotation, no more than a few verses in length. This passage was selected by the preacher and was intended to address a specific problem or concern in the community.
Doctrine Breaks down the topic presented in the epigraph into subset topics and backs in with supporting scripture
Reason Explains why the doctrine is true and why the listener should believe the claim of the doctrine. Usually supported by more scripture.
Application Explains how the doctrine applies to each person on an individual level and on a community level
Epilogue Sermon makes a call for action, usually by creating an emotional appeal
Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Follow along in your book on p. 120 Answer the following questions: 1.Give an example of figurative language used in the sermon and explain what it means in your own words. 2.Give an example of imagery used in the sermon. What mental image does it create? 3.What is the tone of this sermon? 4.What emotional reaction do you have listening to the sermon?