How to win friends and influence people online Andrew Neligan CFP APFS Chartered Financial Planner Financial Planning Director Informed Choice Ltd
Agenda What is Social Media? Why Social Media? What’s our strategy? How has it evolved? Actions to Take
What is Social Media Building an presence online Using new and evolving tools and services. Think Twitter, Linked In, Facebook & Blogging It is about engaging and interacting. It is NOT about selling. It is NOT about having a online brochure.
Why Social Media? Low Budget Large Reach Large Opportunity
Regularly Updated
A Bit About Twitter
A bit on LinkedIn
Have a strategy What do you want to achieve? Who are you going to target? Which platform(s) are best for you? Who is responsible for the strategy? Start with one or two activities Give it a chance Action?
Summary People buy from People The internet & Social Media is not going away Small firms have the opportunity to grow efficiently Build a virtual profile to meet real people
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