2010 Summer Training Series Teaching & Learning: Professional Development Institute Don Blake, NEA
Agenda Overview Transformed Media Landscape What is Social Media? Technology Convergence A Look into the Near Future The Tools Blogs Wikis Twitter Social Networks (Public & Private) Facebook Privacy Pages, Causes & Groups Groupsite Ning RSS Class Project
Concentrate on the relationships NOT the technology! “I AM THE MSEA” New Tools, New Culture Social media: An opportunity to revitalize collective action for the 21 st Century
Move people to action Move people to action Create power Create power Appeal to self-interests Appeal to self-interests Are both a science and an art Are both a science and an art Build organizational capacity Build organizational capacity What Organizing and Technology have in common: “With some candidates in the 2008 Presidential election embracing every facet of Web 2.0 to get their message out… your next president may be no further than a friend-add on Facebook.” – Time Magazine
The growing accessibility of information technologies puts the tools required to: Collaborate Create Value Compete …at everybody’s fingertips Peer Production “glocalization” What Organizing and Technology have in common: “Organizing is a fancy word for relationship building.” --Ernesto Cortes
The Web as a platform
Harnessing collective intelligence
What’s Next? Semantic Web? Virtual / Augmented Reality ? The Social Web? The Mobile Web? It’s all of these and more…
Is the Web getting any smarter?
Convergence A surge of new technologies and social media innovations is altering the media landscape. Convergence is everywhere. It’s easier than ever to reach a large audience, but harder than ever to really connect with it. These changes are affecting the way people behave.
These businesses have been around for a combined 200 years
Convergence None of these sites was around 6 years ago
Computers can move all this data at once in.001 seconds
Blake household Verizon statement listed 40,000 TXT MSGS in August
Convergence Nokia manufactures 13 cell phones every second
The Web is Getting Smarter …
Pothos Plant Tweets URGENT! Water me! 5 days ago Water me please. 7 days ago Thank you for watering me! 9 days ago URGENT! Water me! 15 days ago Water me please. 17 days ago The Web is Getting Smarter …
Social Media is…
Well… Sort of…
Social Media Really is…
That is powered by…
It is a conversation between…
Customers & Employees…
Educators, Students, Parents …
The Social Media conversation is… Not Organized Not Controlled Not always on Message
Social Media: Blogs
Social Media: Blogs
Social Media: Wikis
Social Media: Wikis
Social Media: Twitter
Social Media: Twitter
Social Media: Twitter
Social Media: Social Networks Public & Private
Profile A profile is the hub of an individual’s presence on Facebook. It includes the person’s wall, notes, photos, videos and other information. Wall Each profile and fan page has a wall on which others can write or post multimedia items. This is the equivalent of a guest book on a website, in that other individuals visiting the profile can leave publicly visible messages. Social Media: Facebook
Friends Adding or accepting someone as a friend is the most basic way to connect on Face- book. All friendships are mutual, so if someone requests to be your friend you must accept the request before you are officially “friends.” Status Status updates are Facebook’s response to Twitter. You can enter a short text statement and a photo, video, event, cause or hyperlink as your status. Under default privacy settings, your status updates are visible to all of your friends. Social Media: Facebook
Notes The notes application is Facebook’s version of a simplified blogging platform. Anyone on the site can create notes, which can include text, hyperlinks, photos and tags. By default, notes are visible to all of an individual’s friends. Tag Tagging allows you to associate a video, photo or note with another individual’s profile. For example, if pictures are uploaded from an event, those in the photo can be “tagged” to let them know they are in the photo Social Media: Facebook
Privacy & Security Social Media: Facebook
Social Media: Groupsite
Social Media Toolbox RSS Blogs/Photoblogs Podcasts Vodcasts/Youtube Wikis Twitter Social Networks
Examples Social Networks: NEA on Facebook NEA Student Program on NING SDEA Membership Recruitment Program SDEA Site for BODs SDEA Presidents Network NDEA GFESPA Blogs: SDEA Wikis: GFEA NEA UniServ Academy Youtube: NEA
Class Project 1.Divide into 3 groups of 10 2.Each group will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to design a social media campaign to support one of the 3 types of campaigns below: (a) Association Awareness/Membership Recruitment (b) Grassroots Political/Community Organizing (c) Association Member Event 3.Each group MUST use at minimum 3 of the social media tools covered in this session (e.g., Groupsite, Blog, Facebook; Facebook, Twitter, Blog; Facebook, Wiki, Twitter, etc.) 4.Each group will select one person from their group to showcase their social media campaign to the class. The report out should answer the following questions: (a) Which social media tools did you select and why? (b) How does your campaign use social media to recruit and engage individual supporters differently than traditional organizing. How will you compliment your campaign with traditional organizing tactics? (c) How will you measure the success of your campaign—how will you know your social media campaign is effective? (d) Once you have achieved campaign goals what will you do to sustain and continue to grow and enhance your campaign’s network of supporters?