Biotechnologies Biological Sciences Natural Sciences Environmental Sciences Geological Sciences University of Genoa Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences Degrees
To form a professional having theoretical and practical base knowledge... Biotechnologies: Aims
… with specific skills in the fields of biological and molecolar technologies... Biotechnologies: Aims
… taking into account economical, environmental, ethical factors … paying attention to innovative methodologies... Biotechnologies: Aims
To form professionals with theoretical and practical knowledge on... Biological Sciences : Aims
… the several research fields concerning life and understanding of the complexity of living material... … from the microscopical to the macroscopical point of view... Biological Sciences : Aims
… highly focused on the abilities in laboratory’s methodologies to be applied to physiopathology and drugs…... As well as to the analysis of biological response to environmental modifications Biological Sciences : Aims
To form a professional with the base knowledge to understand natural systems... Natural Sciences: Aims
… able to study and develop activitis to territory and land management... Natural Sciences: Aims
… to find and properly use natural resources and richness Natural Sciences: Aims
To form a professional with a deep knowledge of the environment and its complexity... Environmental Sciences: Aims
… knowing how to focus and manage the structural and functional interactions between the environmental factors… … with a special attention to anthropization... Environmental Sciences: Aims
… and able to manage processes, systems and resources as well as environmental methodologies Environmental Sciences: Aims
To form a professional with the knowledge to understand the Planet Earth in its abiological aspects... Geological Sciences: Aims
Pointing out and studying the geological characteristics, also in order to a correct management and use of the resources… able to professionally work with suitable methodologies and technologies in: …characterizing geological materials, in function of their possible use and their relationships with the environment… …forecasting and mitigation of natural risks and environmental impacts… Geological Sciences: Aims
… underground exploration, finding and evaluating georesources, Cultural Heritage conservation Geological Sciences: Aims