Overview Using Plugins Developing Plugins Basic Examples / Demo Outlook Overview Using Plugins Developing Plugins Basic Examples / Demo Outlook Plugin Interface
Plugin Interface - Overview The plugin interface: Opens custom access to internal data during real-time processing including information of ROIs, design matrix, raw data, beta maps and contrast t maps. Allows to perform additional calculations within the plugin and/or to export data for external processing, e.g. in Matlab. Provides direct pointers to internal data structures without any "buffering" for maximum efficiency -> high performance but careful programming to avoid crashes Plugins are coded in C++. Templates and examples are available to simplify creation of own plugins
Using Developed Plugins Installed plugins appear in the Plugins menu TBV shows plugins that are located in the "Plugins_32" (32 or "Plugins_64" (32/64-bit TBV on 32/64-bit OS) subfolder within the "TBVExtensions" folder. New plugins are installed simply by copying the respective library file (extension ".dll" on Windows, ".so" on Linux, ".dylib" on Mac) in that folder
Using Developed Plugins A plugin is started by clicking its name in the Plugins menu. A plugin needs to start prior to real-time processing (Plugins menu will not be accessible during incremental processing). TBV opens and shows the Plugin window containing a Log text field that is used by the plugin to inform the user about ongoing processing. The messages appearing in the Log fully depend on the plugin code
Using Developed Plugins When starting real-time processing, the plugin is called during processing of each incremental time step and it can access all relevant internal data of TBV. The image on the right shows a snapshot during real-time processing; the plugin has just been called at time point "74" and informs the user that it saves 4 beta maps to disk. The plugin also presents extracted information about the content of the used design matrix at each step.
TBV - Plugin Interaction
TBV - Plugin Interaction (cont.)
Writing TBV Plugins Deriving from “ TBVPluginInterface ”, the parent class with virtual functions
Writing TBV Plugins Including the TBV API functions
Writing TBV Plugins Including the TBV API functions
Writing TBV Plugins Only one header (.h) and one main code (.cpp) file necessary
Writing TBV Plugins Need to change only plugin name and overwrite few (virtual) functions.
Writing TBV Plugins Need to change only plugin name and overwrite few (virtual) functions.
Writing TBV Plugins Need to change only plugin name and overwrite few (virtual) functions.
Documentation of TBV Plugin API
Visualization options - Allow plugin to show calculated maps in “Brain View” window - Provide option for user to switch between “native” visualization (GLM maps) and plugin visualization (but only in case that plugin offers map visualizations). Allow plugin to turn off calculations in TBV in order to replace them with custom routines (and to save time) Visualization options - Allow plugin to show calculated maps in “Brain View” window - Provide option for user to switch between “native” visualization (GLM maps) and plugin visualization (but only in case that plugin offers map visualizations). Allow plugin to turn off calculations in TBV in order to replace them with custom routines (and to save time) OutlookOutlook Expected release date of TBV 3.0: February 2011