Status and news 1 Z.Liang
MC11 requests According to Joao, MC11 production are almost done According to Joao, MC11 production are almost done There is possibility to ask for more MC11 dataset for rel17 paper There is possibility to ask for more MC11 dataset for rel17 paper H->WW group is asking for more Wgamma samples H->WW group is asking for more Wgamma samples o HWW lower limits change from 140GeV to 127GeV by switching to high statistics Wgamma background samples. o They would like to have two times statistics for Alpgen W+gamma+0/1/2/3/4/5 jets samples in one week. o Need help to produce more 4 vector inputs file o Please contact me if you would like to help 2
The proposal MC11 extensions proposals: MC11 extensions proposals: o Alpgen W+gamma Np0 1250k ->2120k 1250k ->2120k o Request for Sherpa W/Z+0/1jet aTGC samples. (20 datasets) 50k -> 250k (20 datasets) 50k -> 250k MC11 new requests proposals: MC11 new requests proposals: o Sherpa W+gamma+0/1/2/3 jets pT(γ)>15GeV, pT(γ)>40GeV, pT(γ)>80GeV pT(γ)>15GeV, pT(γ)>40GeV, pT(γ)>80GeV 400k events per channels 400k events per channels 3
MC12 validation Alpgen with Herwig ++,Wgamma+0/1/2/3/4/5 jets : ZL Alpgen with Herwig ++,Wgamma+0/1/2/3/4/5 jets : ZL o Need to regenerate all 4 vector input files with new collision energy and new PDF o Need at least one more volunteer in Alpgen validation Sherpa : Z+gamma+0/1/2/3 jets : Mia Liu Sherpa : Z+gamma+0/1/2/3 jets : Mia Liu o Jet multiplicity by Sherpa in MC11c have larger discrepancy with data. o Need more careful check with MC10b, MC11c and MC12 4
Rel 16 paper status Draft 2 is now in the second ATLAS circulation Draft 2 is now in the second ATLAS circulation o o 6 comments so far The deadline for comments is tomorrow The deadline for comments is tomorrow The second public reading this Thursday 1pm, please join if you have time: The second public reading this Thursday 1pm, please join if you have time: 5
2012 Trigger request Muon +photon trigger: Muon +photon trigger: o The rate for mu18_g20_loose is more than 4 Hz o Switch to mu24_g20_medium (~1Hz) o What is supporting prescaled trigger for efficinecy measurement? Mu24_g20_loose with prescaled factor 20 Mu24_g20_loose with prescaled factor 20 Muon +2photon trigger: Muon +2photon trigger: o The rate of mu18_2g10_loose (1.6Hz) looks OK. Wgamma Electron channel Wgamma Electron channel o Two photons trigger (EF_2g20_loose1) has been shown in trigger general meeting last week. o Three photons trigger (EF_2g15_g10_loose) will be presented in trigger general meeting tomorrow 6