Geothermal Energy By: Ben Laves Growth of Geothermal energy production mal-energy-prod.gif U.S. Geothermal Resource Map
Define Geothermal energy Geothermal energy is energy from heat with in the earth for heating houses and buildings. It also means energy from steam that turns turbines that make electricity. Geothermal is a renewable energy source because the water from rainfall and the heat is continuously produced inside the earth.
List some of the world and US regions where Geothermal energy is in wide use. Most geothermal reservoirs are underground that you don’t know where they are. Sometimes geothermal can find it’s way up to the surface in form of a volcano, fumaroles (where volcanic gases are released), hot springs and geysers. The most active geothermal resources are around the Pacific Ocean. This area is called The Ring of Fire.
List two advantages of geothermal energy An environmental impact of geothermal energy depends how it is being used. Direct use and heating applications almost have no negative impact on the environment. Geothermal power plants only release 1 percent carbon dioxide and emit 97 percent less acid rain. That is better then most resources. These trees were destroyed by acid rain. Thank you geothermal !
List two drawbacks of Geothermal energy Geothermal features, such as geysers and fumaroles in Yellow Stone Park are protected by law so the land is not disturbed. Geothermal locations are limited to certain areas like these. p.htm Not all geothermal energy is good!