WORK EXPERIENCE Duval High School Year
WORK EXPERIENCE 2016 o Work Experience is an integral part of the Year 10 curriculum o It is a short term placement where you learn by observing. o It is intended to introduce all Year 10 students to an understanding of the workplace o A chance to explore career options
What you need to know! o Work Experience is a one-week experience in the middle of Term Two o Dates are Monday 6 th June to Friday 10 th June. o You will be provided with instruction in Workplace Health & Safety prior to your work experience
How to find work experience Word of mouth and networking – ask family and friends Phone books and the internet Job advertisements
What you need to do! Discuss your work experience options with family & Mrs Hardman Receive your Work Experience Pack from Mrs Hardman
Making an application for work experience: Make your application in person preferably, phone or write a letter. Make sure to include the points below in every communication. Your name Your school Your school year The reason you are making contact, i.e. enquiring about work experience opportunities The dates you are seeking a placement Monday 6 th June to Friday 10 th June 2016 Your contact details A copy of your resume
It is useful to phone initially to find out to whom a letter of application should be addressed, so that it reaches the right person and you know who to follow up with at a later date. Also, some large companies have application forms and closing dates for accepting applications which you can find out about with a phone call.
Once YOU have made contact with the company and they have agreed to provide a work experience placement. Take your Student Placement Record form to the company and ask them to complete the EMPLOYER section of the Student Placement Record. Make sure that the Parent/Carer and Student sections are completed and signed before you take it to the employer.
More to do! Return the original Student Placement Record Form to Mrs Hardman by 6 th May (2 nd week back Term 2) or before
Still more! o Prepare yourself by finding out as much as you can about the work you will undertake o Do this by contacting the employer 2 weeks before work experience to find out: o Dress code o Lunch requirements o Hours of work o Safety requirements
During and after Work Experience o Keep notes on your observations and experiences – through your Work Experience Journal. o Understand that your employer will be asked to evaluate your work o A teacher will visit you and your employer
But most of all… o Learn as much as you can o ENJOY the experience