An Introduction to Form-Based Codes APA-Illinois Chicago Metro Section Mahender Vasandani President, M Square l Urban Design February 19, 2008 M
A.Our Planning Legacy B.The Power of Place C.What Are Form-Based Codes? D.Key Components of FBCs E.Advantages of FBCs F.Why Form-Based Codes Now? G. Q & A M What I Will Cover: 2
A. Our Planning Legacy Comprehensive Plans & Conventional Zoning M 3
A. Our Planning Legacy M “Place-less”, “Form-less”, “Auto-Orientation” 4
M A. Our Planning Legacy…We Are Still Doing It! 5
M “Place-less”, “Form-less”, “Auto-Orientation” Revenue-based Land-Use Planning Primary Focus: Single Site/One Project Transportation and Traffic Impacts! Rarely Concerned with Urban Form Post-planning Design Reviews A. Our Planning Legacy 6
M “Post-planning Design Reviews” A. Our Planning Legacy Most Architects Are Not Good Designers! 7
M “Post-planning Design Reviews” A. Our Planning Legacy Good, Authentic, Architecture is Important, and So is Sense of Place! 8
M “Post-planning Design Reviews” A. Our Planning Legacy Sometimes we get lucky! There are a few architects who design well! 9
M The Sum of Our Planning Experiences! A. Our Planning Legacy Our focus has been on “functional,” two-dimensional planning We have been too auto-oriented Our roadway systems still struggle to serve us well We have isolated land uses We have either forgotten or never learnt how to create “places” But, it may not be too late for us… 10
M B. The Power of Place A Point of Departure: Learning from Precedents! 11
M B. The Power of Place A Point of Departure: Learning from Precedents! “Urban Architecture” One Definition: Hausmmann’s! 12
M B. The Power of Place Specific Area Urban Design Plans Integrating Urban Form with Discrete, Cohesive Architecture A Point of Departure: Learning from Precedents! 13
M B. The Power of Place A Point of Departure: Learning from Precedents! Specific Area Urban Design Plans Integrating Urban Form with Discrete, Cohesive Architecture 14
M B. The Power of Place What Do We Learn? High quality livable places do not relate to density or FAR ratios Livable and high quality places result from well-thought urban design plans that consider urban form, discrete architecture, integrated open spaces/gathering places, and transportation/ access all at once 15
M C. What Are Form-Based Codes? “FBC’s Are A Zoning Tool to Help Implement an Urban Vision” --- My definition! Now That We Understand Urban Form, Community Character, Power of Place, Livability…Viability, Sustainability Goal: Attain Desired Urban Form 16
M C. What Are Form-Based Codes? 1. Relatively New Regulation Tool in Illinois 2. Based on A Community Vision 3. Focus is the Public Realm (Form and Quality of the Outside Built Environment) 4. Place-specific to Retain Existing Character 5. An Integrated Set of Several Urban Standards 6. Graphic/More Comprehensible 7. Predictable Urban Environments 8. Different from Conventional Zoning Regulations a.FBCs more concerned with Urban Form, Less with Use b.Facilitate mixing of uses c.Not concerned with F.A.R.s, Densities and Lot Coverages d.Allow administrative approval of projects 17
M C. What Are Form-Based Codes? Focus on Quality of the Built Environment: Public Realm Project Credit: Dover Kohl & Partners Public realm influenced by the architecture of buildings; the proportions of the size of public places to building heights and the amenities in the public places 18
M C. What Are Form-Based Codes? Project Credit: Dover Kohl & Partners Focus: Building Scale/Massing/Elements/Types: Character 19
M C. What Are Form-Based Codes? Project Credit: Dover Kohl & Partners Mixing of Uses in Acceptable Urban Form Around Strategic Open Space and Transportation PREDICTABILITY of massing and bulk of future projects Less public concern about bulk and other impacts Potential benefit: Streamlined project review process Good for developers too 20
M D. Components of Form-Based Codes Project Credit: Dover Kohl & Partners FBC’s Have to be Based on A Community Vision Charrette Plan An Urban Design Plan and Urban Character Vision 21
M An Integrated Approach with Standards for: Thoroughfares, Frontages, Building Types, Public Space, Landscaping – All Linked to a Regulating Plan Typically More Easily Comprehensible and Administered D. Components of Form-Based Codes 22
M Building Bulk and Frontage Standards D. Components of Form-Based Codes 23
M Building and Frontage Standards D. Components of Form-Based Codes 24
M E. Advantages of FBCs Conventional/Euclidian FBCs Based on Abstract Land Use and Zoning Categories Segregate Uses Proscribe (What Not Allowed) Unpredictable Building Bulk/Form (Maximize F.A.R.s and Densities) Unpredictable Character No Sense of Place Based on Adopted Community Vision Mix Uses Prescribe (What is Desirable) Predictable Building/Urban Form (No F.A.R.s or Density Limits; Bulk Limits ) Vision of Built Form Predetermined Based on Site Development Capacity Analyses (Max. Heights, Bulk); Can Help Retain Existing Urban Character Power of Place 25
M F. Why Form-Based Codes Now? An Opportune Time to Learn New Tool Significant Changes: Economic, Demographic and Climate Can We Sustain Current Development Patterns? Will current patterns be viable in the future? Could We be Better-off Learning New Tools? Could We as Planners Meet the Challenges and Better Take Hold of the Future of Our Communities? 26
M F. Why Form-Based Codes Now? Already in Suburban Areas Across the Nation… Addison Circle, Dallas, TX 27
M F. Why Form-Based Codes Now? Already in Suburban Areas Across the Nation… Legacy Center, Dallas, TX 28
M F. Why Form-Based Codes Now? Already in Suburban Areas Across the Nation… 29 The Glen, Glenview, IL
M Anticipating new developments patterns that may mean planning to create more “PLACES” in the future… FBCs offer a new way to prepare ahead for future! F. Why Form-Based Codes Now? 30
M Thank You! Mahender Vasandani President M Square l Urban Design T: E: