Human Female Reproductive System Abbreviations ©Richard L. Goldman March 19, 2003 from: Delmar’s Comprehensive Medical Terminology
© Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 2 AB CIS Cx D&C ECC EMB ERT GYN HSG IUD LH LMP LSO Pap Path PID PMS RSO TAH TVH ABortion Carcinoma Carcinoma In Situ ( in the natural or original position) Cervix Dilation and CurettageCurettage EndoCervical CurettageCurettage EndoMetrial Biopsy Estrogen Replacement Therapy GYNecology HysteroSalpingoGraphy IntraUterine Device Luteinizing Hormone Last Menstrual Period Left Salpingo-OophorectomyOophorectomy PAPanicolaou PAPanicolaou smear Pathology Pelvic Inflammatory Disease PreMenstrual Syndrome Righr Salpingo-Oohorectomy Total Abdominal Hysterectomy Total Vaginal Hysterectomy
© Richard L. Goldman Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Terminology 3 metri/o my/o o/o oophor/o ov/o ovari/o -rrhea retro- salping/o uter/o vagin/o vulv/o uterus muscle egg, ovum ovary ovum, egg ovary discharge, flow backward, behind fallopian tubes uterus vagina vulva