Children and Families Bill VIEW Conference 14 and 15 March 2013
Definitions and scope We welcome the extension of LA responsibilities to a wider group of CYP with SEND application of the new legal framework directly to academies and free schools closely involving CYP and parent carers in decisions that affect them
Definitions and scope but….. the Bill should explicitly include disabled CYP including those with long term health conditions who may have health and social care needs but not SEN early years provision should cover the PVI sector and home-based support
Local integration and information We welcome the emphasis on joint working and co- operation across services stronger duties on health, social care and education to review and commission services jointly
Local integration and information but…… there need to be clear links between children's trust arrangements and Health and Wellbeing Board duties accountability needs to be clear - not left to parents
Local offer We welcome the principle of a local offer the local offer includes a wider range of services such as employment
Local offer but…. there needs to be an underpinning duty to provide what is set out in the offer some form of national framework should inform the development of each local offer
EHC assessment and plans We welcome the concept of a single assessment process and multiagency plan from birth to 25 years extension of statutory entitlements into FE, including training, apprenticeships and, in certain circumstances, YP who are NEET recent statement on new health duties
EHC assessment and plans but….. CYP with health and care needs should be able to access an assessment and plan, where necessary extension of statutory entitlements to include HE there should be duties on social care services to deliver what is set out in EHC plans with a single point of appeal for parents and young people
Emerging themes Accountability - parents and YP - LAs Local provision within a national framework Upscaling pathfinder work
Context of the reforms Capacity of LAs to deliver with deepening cuts to frontline services Funding changes from 1 April school's notional SEN budget and high needs block - centrally provided SEN support services NC review Ofsted consultation on inspection of specialist services
Will it work? Opportunity to focus on provision for CYP with SEND reinforce government responsibility to deliver the reform agenda influence regulations and guidance such as the Code of Practice
What could it mean for VI services? Using a single assessment framework and education, health and care plan Involved in personal budgets and direct payments Framing a local offer for VI support Understanding funding models Different relationship with LAs More open market for specialist advice Focus on outcomes
Campaign Issues Concerns about Eligibility for EHC Plans Quality of Local offer Access to specialist support services
What is RNIB doing? Lobbying through parliamentary process - amendments to Bill Leading on development of NatSIP local offer New position statements -Criteria for involvement -Specialist VI support for CYP with complex needs in special schools
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From September 2014…… ' the biggest reforms for 30 years' for CYP with SEND