Engaging the 3rd Sector Health & Social Care Integration East Dunbartonshire Community Engagement Event 28th August 2015 Sandra Cairney Head of Planning & Health Improvement Ed Community Health Partnership
Background Third sector providers have been important in the delivery of social care services for some time This role is changing as the personalisation agenda takes hold and there is a push for closer integration between health and social care services within a context of constrained financial resources NIHR School for Social Care Research London School of Economics and Political Science
Scottish Context The Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act 20143 places a statutory responsibility upon Health Boards, local authorities and Integration Authorities to actively involve the third sector in the planning and design of integrated health and social care services.
What is the 3rd Sector? The third sector is large and diverse and ranges from service providers to communities of interest or place, volunteer led organisations, service user focussed groups, social enterprises and others Relatively untapped resource of knowledge and expertise and capacity Delivering a range of different types of functions (public service provision, self-funded services, campaigning, advocacy and more)
Expectations Integrated Joint Boards are expected to develop robust mechanisms for information sharing, engagement and influencing on behalf of the sector. Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs) should act as the conduit for the third sector in relation to the responsibilities of Health Boards, local authorities and Integration Authorities set out in the Act. TSIs can co-ordinate expertise to come to different tables from within the third sector itself, ensuring diverse voices are heard.
IJB Engagement Model
East Dunbartonshire Council Planning Landscape East Dunbartonshire Council Community Planning Partnership IJB Strategic Planning Group Locality (West) Third Sector Public, Service User, Carers Locality (East) NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Community Planning Partnership Planning Landscape East Dunbartonshire Council Community Planning Partnership Integrated Joint Board Strategic Planning Group Locality (West) Locality (East) NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Public, Service User, Carer & 3rd Sectors Networks