Unit Portfolio Presentation Ms.Naseem Akhtar
Unit Summary Students choose a computer and then disband and assemble the parts of the computer. They discover different hardware parts and solve a worksheet by entering the details of these parts. Later, they work with Windows OS and explore Windows GUI. Ss work in groups (with a team leader)and prepare a poster and PowerPoint presentation based on the knowledge gained in Computer hardware, Operating System and Software. In addition, Ss use online resources like blogs, wiki’s to get assistance and support in solving the class activities. In an assessment, Ss play a flash game (activity) and solve online quizzes.
Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question Give few examples of Technology used in the classroom. Unit Questions What is Technology? How is it applied in real life? What is a Computer System? Content Questions Name some Hardware devices. List some Operating Systems you Know. What are the common software programs used?
Gauging Student Needs Assessment Purpose of the Assessment To collect information about Technology and computers that student already know. What I want to learn from my students? I want to find out what they already know about the Unit Questions and computer applications in real life. How I have tried to promote higher-order thinking? We ask Ss to open computer and list the parts they know and explore software programs installed in the computer. How the assessment information helps me and my students plan for upcoming activities in the unit? At first we test their pre knowledge, then assist them by teaching, providing online resources supported by worksheets. Then the Ss are again tested to know their understanding of the lesson. What feedback or additional ideas I’d like? To encourage Ss for higher level thinking while preparing outclass activities like projects, posters etc.
Goals for the Course To enhance the basic skills in computer literacy. Prepare Ss to take the IC3 Computing Fundamentals certification. Encourage Ss to understand the genuine application of Computer Technology in real life by involving project based learning pertaining to a specific topic.
Goals for My Students To learn and enrich their digital literacy skills. To become more independent learners and develop problem solving techniques and improve critical thinking.
Have enormous Computing Online Resources: Activities: Assessment: Online Quiz