“I will deliver you from the hour of trial…” Revelation 3.10
God’s plan for Israel One of these days, Jesus will come back His return involves 2 phases 1 st Rapture His Bride (the Church) before the Tribulation Jn 14; Rev 3.10 2 nd Rescue Israel at the end of the Tribulation Zech 14; Rev 19
Differences 1) The rapture occurs before the tribulation - Rev The second coming occurs after the tribulation - Rev 19. 1) At the rapture, believers meet the Lord in the air - 1 Thes 4. At the second coming, believers return with the Lord to the earth - Rev 19. 3) The rapture is the removal of believers from the earth as an act of deliverance - 1 Thes 5.9. The second coming includes the removal of un- believers as an act of judgment – Matt 24. 4) The rapture will be secret -1 Cor The second coming will be visible to all Zech 14.
Why the Gap? Called the Tribulation Period Purpose Prepare Israel to receive her Messiah Judge Satan and Israel’s enemies Lasts 7 years Dan = the skeletal outline into which all prophetic events fit.
The 70 weeks of Daniel 9 Setting: Daniel praying re. God’s promise to bring the Jews back home… Much of the book of Daniel shows how God would work through gentile rulers to chasten His people. But here, God focuses on 490 years that are especially about the Jews and their Messiah - ‘your people and city’
Divided into 3 segments 1 st 2 have been fulfilled 7 weeks/49 yrs Temple and city rebuilt 62 weeks/434 yrs – Messiah The Prince arrives and “cut off” 1 week/7 yrs – Tribulation ending with Messiah’s return and setting up the Millennial Kingdom
Understanding the Tribulation Various Names Time of Jacob’s trouble; Tribulation; Hour of trial; Day of the Lord; Great Tribulation; The 70 th week of Daniel Main Characters The Antichrist; 144,000 evangelists; the 2 Witnesses; The Beast and False Prophet Main Events Peace Treaty made and broken; Global economy and gov’t; Abomination of desolation; Judgments; Battle of Armageddon; Israel repents
So What? God cares about specific details God keeps His promises God does the impossible Isa 55Doesn’t tell all Titus