Darja Lihteneger, 25 - 26 November 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark INSPIRE Data Modelling for Reporting Data Flows – CDDA conceptual data model and INSPIRE Eionet.


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Presentation transcript:

Darja Lihteneger, November 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark INSPIRE Data Modelling for Reporting Data Flows – CDDA conceptual data model and INSPIRE Eionet NRC Environmental Information Systems (EIS) Meeting 2015

Outline Project information Work on CDDA and INSPIRE data model Lessons learnt Next steps in the project

INSPIRE Implementation Roadmap Spatial data sets: Annex I: Protected sites NOV 2017 Annex III: Habitat and biotopes, Species distribution, Bio-geographical regions OCT 2020 Metadata: Should already be available INSPIRE services: Discovery, view, download, transformation services should be available (data not yet conformant to IR- ISDSS)

Why CDDA priority data flow and INSPIRE Thematic relationship: –National designated areas are provided in the CDDA priority data flow and are related to the INSPIRE theme Protected sites To continue using harmonised data: –Guided process to keep harmonised data model in CDDA reporting –Fulfilling INSPIRE Directive and CDDA reporting –Benefits from INSPIRE spatial data infrastructure and interoperability in the reporting process and for other assessments Respecting time line (deadlines): –INSPIRE PS: ( code lists) –CDDA reporting obligation in 2018

Pilot 1: workflow & data transformation (2013 – 2014) Public European CDDA data set Mapping rules from CDDA to INSPIRE Protected sites Transformation rules and data transformation in HALE GML files per country with INSPIRE PS compliant set of data HALE project can be applied to the new version of the European CDDA data set Capacity building: demonstration of INSPIRE GML encoding Potential guidelines for data transformation of national CDDA into INSPIRE PS data

Pilot 2: CDDA data model for reporting Pilot started in 2015 Part 1: Developing CDDA data model according to INSPIRE Protected sites Simple application schema with thematic extensions Planned outcomes: Conceptual data model in UML (optimized) GML application schema Test GML data Part 2: 2016 Development and demonstration of INSPIRE web services Testing inclusion of services into reporting process Requirement: EEA support to those not implementing INSPIRE!

Data modelling approach Consistent design approaches (both embedded in SDI) to combine / integrate thematic and INSPIRE requirements ………… Thematic requirements INSPIRE DS 1 INSPIRE DS 2 etc. One schema containing … INSPIRE DS 1 (via INSPIRE service) INSPIRE DS 2 (via INSPIRE service) Thematic requirements Links on object and dataset level Reported data (file or service) INSPIRE infrastructure A. Integrated approach B. Linked approach Adding new application schemas and importing INSPIRE or other schemas Keeping INSPIRE schemas as they are, transform data accordingly, develop other schemas and include pointers – references to INSPIRE spatial objects Used for CDDA & INSPIRE alignment – making one INSPIRE based data model

CDDA and INSPIRE data models and concepts INSPIRE Protected Sites Simple application schema DESIGNATIONS: A new register of national and international designation types CDDA: SITES SITES BOUNDARIES DESIGNATION BOUNDARIES Designation types National sites and boundaries Other INSPIRE concepts CDDA 2 NEW data models INSPIRE data specifications

Using experiences from Pilot 1: mapping to INSPIRE PS Subset of CDDA is mapped to INSPIRE PS How the rest of the required CDDA data will be modelled and provided?

Extending INSPIRE PS for the CDDA purpose INSPIRE PS data model Current CDDA data model Some properties are mapped / moved to INSPIRE PS Some question for Eionet on usefulness and future needs, making reporting more effective and targeted, …? Designations New standalone register with its own data flow \ Extension to the INSPIRE Protected sites – CDDA Sites, boundaries

Draft conceptual data models \ DesignationDescription CDDA direct extension of INSPIRE PS Aggregated data on areas covered by designation INSPIRE PS Simple application schema Code list extension to enter national designated areas!

INSPIRE PS code lists extension for CDDA purpose General code for the nationally designated areas To extend with new code nationalDesignation The real codes are in the EEA vocabulary DesignationDescription CddaSite Used in INSPIRE code lists and simple extensions Thematic code lists, example of designation code

Lessons learnt INSPIRE PS needs simple extension of the code lists for designation type: DesignatonSchemeValue DesignationValue Keepping 2 data models will reduced the reported data for CDDA: Designations CDDA reporting data model (INSPIRE_PS-CDDA) Keep direct extensions simple: General code for national designations as INSPIRE PS extensions / while more detailed codes are managed outside of INSPIRE PS Extended feature type includes all thematic properties related to the INSPIRE PS spatial object type Not re-using INSPIRE voidable concept

Next steps in the project Discussion with Eionet on open questions found in the project Completing the data models (CDDA-INSPIRE, Designations) Developing GML schema according to the new data model (CDDA- INSPIRE PS) Providing test data in GML encoding (based on already provided deliveries and European CDDA data set) & ensuring mapping between old CDDA data model and the new CDDA-ISNPIRE + Designations data models! Presentation of outcomes to Eionet Project follow-up: –Setting further cooperation with Eionet on CDDA reporting (testing: data, service, tools, …) and preparing follow-up activities

Thanks Darja Lihteneger Thanks to the project team – working hard on all issues! European Environment Agency