French and Indian War Aka “The 7 Years War”
Introduction The French and Indian War ( ) was a seven-year-long war between Britain and France. Although fighting began in 1754, the war did not officially begin until They were fighting for the control of much of North America. This war was a part of a larger war that was going on in Europe.
Quick Summary By the 1600’s colonists were taking over Native American land France had forts west of the colonies and were afraid of the colonists expanding 1754: George Washington (British) was forced to surrender at Fort Necessity
Early Part of the War The English did not do well during the first years. Virtually all Indian tribes were with the French. The Iroquois were on the British side
Middle Stages of War Wiliam Pitt brought the war effort fully under British control. He forced the colonists to provide supplies, equipment, shelter, and manpower. This made the colonists angry, and some even became violent
Scalping Scalps were decorations. The French and Native Americans used English scalps to decorate canoes Major Robert Rogers "found... hanging on poles over their doors, about 600 scalps, mostly English.”
Final Part of the War In 1758 Pitt relaxed many of the policies that the colonists were mad about. This resulted in an immediate increase in American support for the war and a lot more colonists joined the British Army.
Treaty of Paris In July of 1763, the war ended with the signing of the Treaty of Paris Britain gets all of the land in pink
How did it affect us? The colonists had learned to unite against a common enemy Colonists wanted to move west into where the French had been Native Americans were against this, such as Chief Pontiac The war cost $$$, so who was going to pay for the expenses?