COMENIUS REGIO PROJECT : SAve EU-Science for Active Citizenship in Europe Class 3D Liceo Linguistico “A.Pesenti” di Cascina SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CASCINA, 10/3/2015 L’autore è il solo responsabile di questa comunicazione. L’Unione europea declina ogni responsabilità sull’uso che potrà essere fatto delle informazioni in essa contenute. Co-finanziato Dal Programma LLP dell’Unione Europea
WHAT IS A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT? SOME DEFINITIONS: Class 3D Liceo Linguistico “A.Pesenti” di Cascina 1) “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs “, Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development (1987)
WHAT IS A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT? SOME DEFINITIONS: Class 3D Liceo Linguistico “A.Pesenti” di Cascina 2)“Devolopment which keeps for both present and future generations the possibility to satisfy their basic living needs and which at same time does not belittle the diversity of nature and keeps the natural functions of ecosystems”Czech Environmental Act, 1992)
WHAT IS A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT? SOME DEFINITIONS: Class 3D Liceo Linguistico “A.Pesenti” di Cascina 3)“Effort to find a balance between the quality of the environment and the development of the society”
WHAT IS A SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT? SOME DEFINITIONS: Class 3D Liceo Linguistico “A.Pesenti” di Cascina 4 )“key themes of Sustainable Development include among other things poverty alleviation, citizenship, peace, ethics, resposibility in local and global context, democracy and governance, justice…health…environmental protection…natural resource management” (European Strategy of Education for Sustainable Development-
THE PRICIPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Class 3D Liceo Linguistico “A.Pesenti” di Cascina 1)Respect to the Environment: It means that we should cooperate in a spirit of global partnership to conserve, protect and restore the health and integrity of the Earth’s ecosystem. we should respect the natural rules and have regard for the use of natural resources. we should slow down the speed of resource consumption and pollution production.
THE PRICIPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Class 3D Liceo Linguistico “A.Pesenti” di Cascina 2) Improving quality of life: It means that we should put human beings at the centre of the concerns. we should lead a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature. we should consider that human life has not only material dimension, but also social, cultural, moral and intellectual ones.
THE PRICIPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Class 3D Liceo Linguistico “A.Pesenti” di Cascina 3) Global Responsibility: It means that we should be aware of the connection between global and local affairs as well as of the different situations and resposibilities of more and developed countries.
THE PRICIPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Class 3D Liceo Linguistico “A.Pesenti” di Cascina 4)Respect to future: It means that we shouldthink not just on a short-term basis, but also on long-term impacts of our decisions and of our behaviours. we should ensure a healthy environment for future generations.
THE PRICIPLES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Class 3D Liceo Linguistico “A.Pesenti” di Cascina 5)Fair opportunities It means that we should divide prosperity between every single state and between different social groups.
SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: A balance between social life, economy and environment. Class 3D Liceo Linguistico “A.Pesenti” di Cascina