Lecture 22 – NAVSTAR GPS, GLONASS and Galileo 7 April 2009 GISC3325
NAVSTAR GPS NAVigation by Satellite Timing And Ranging (NAVSTAR) Shown (L to R): Block I, Block IIA and Block IIR space vehicles (SV)
NAVSTAR GPS Satellite Orbits Status.txt
Satellite Characteristics All data transmitted by the satellite based on a fundamental frequency generated by on-board atomic clocks. –(f 0 = MHz) L1 = 154 * f 0 = MHz L2 = 120 * f 0 = MHz C/A = 0.1 * f 0 = MHz P(Y) = f 0 L5 = 115 * f 0 = MHz (NEW civilian frequency NOT yet implemented)
How accurate a clock do we need? Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light (c). In a vacuum is 299,792,458 m/second. A pseudorange is c * Δt. –A clock accurate at yields an error of 299,792 meter error. –A clock accurate at yields an error of 3 meters. –To obtain millimeter level precision we a clock accurate to what level?
How long does the signal take to get to a ground-based receiver? Nominal distance from geocenter to satellite is 26,560,000 m. From surface of earth (26,560,000 – 6,378,137 ≈ 20,182,000 m). Speed of light is 299,792,458 m/s. Therefore a signal reaches the earth in seconds. For SV 1, (circled in red) we compute the orbital radius from the square root of the satellite orbital radius ( m). Orbit radius is: 26,559,122 m
Calculate orbital period P 2 /a 3 =4π 2 /μ (Earth orbit) –where P is period –a is orbital radius –μ is Earth's geocentric gravitational constant (GM) = *10 14 m 3 /s 2 We can also use this equation to calculate gravity of other bodies. Solve for mu when given P and a.
GPS Time Started 0000 UTC 6 January 1980 –No provision for leap seconds (continuous) Time represented by GPS Week and Seconds of week. How many seconds are in a week? What is the current GPS week? GPS software often uses the Modified Julian Date as a way to keep track of data. –JD count is from 0 at 12 (noon) 1 JAN (4713 BCE) –MJD = JD
Time/Date Conventions used in GPS/GNSS Most GPS data available for use in post processing is organized by Year and Day- of-Year. –Today, 7 April 2009, is day 97 Precise orbit files (*.SP3) are organized by GPS Week and Day of Week –In this system, Sunday is Day 0 –Today is day 2, GPS Week 1526
GPS Calendar Sources Canadian Geodetic Survey Division US National Geodetic Survey (under Instructions option on CORS page) – NGS site above (under Utilities/Software) also has links to two DOS programs: gpscal.exe and gpswk.exe
GPS Week SV accuracy Health Clock bias, drift and drift rate RINEX Navigation Message
RINEX Observation File
How pseudoranges are measured
Pseudo-Range Measurement
Error Sources
Errors Illustrated (Baseline error / baseline length) is proportional to (orbit error / dist to SV)
Precise Ephemeris (GPS) ++ = SV accuracy c – time-related information f – information for time/velocity calculation i – currently unused N.B. these values are the result of an international effort and reflect a weighted mean.
Precise Ephemeris (GPS) Column values SV Number X (km) Y (km) Z (km) clock (microseconds) X,Y,Z,C stdev
Orbit Sources International GNSS Service – b.htmlhttp://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov/components/prods_c b.html US National Geodetic Survey – National Geospatial Intelligence Agency – info.nga.mil/GandG/sathtml/PEexe.htmlhttp://earth- info.nga.mil/GandG/sathtml/PEexe.html Note that NGA orbits are in SP3 enhanced format that explicitly lists velocities as well as positions.
Signal Processing on-board
Frequency to Wavelength We can track the phase of the signal and accumulate the number of wavelengths (and the fractional first phase) as a measurement. – λ = c / f ;wavelength = speed of light divided by frequency L1 = c/f1=19 cm L2 = c/f2 = 24.4 cm L5 = c/f5 = 25.5 cm c = m/s
Frequency Combinations Narrow-lane = f1 + f2 ≈ 11 cm Wide-lane = f1 – f2 ≈ 86 cm Iono-Free ≈ f1/(f1-f2) ≈ 5 cm Why do this? –Iono-free effectively eliminates this effect –Other combinations assist integer fixing.
Integer bias ambiguity
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite Systems –NAVSTAR GPS operational –GLONASS operational –Galileo (not yet) only “proof of concept” –Beidou “Big Dipper” (from The Space Review) “China’s existing Beidou navigation network is a clumsy system based on three satellites, (two operational and one reserve) in geosynchronous orbit, launched between 2000 and 2003.” 19 June 2006
Global'naya Navigatsionnaya Sputnikovaya Sistema Intended 21 SV with 3 on-orbit spares 3 orbital planes separated by 120 degrees orbits inclined 65 degrees orbit period 11h 15m first launch 1982; most recent 25 Dec
Interoperability questions GLONASS uses a different geocentric datum (PZ-90) GLONASS time and GPS time are not the same. Leap seconds are an issue Hardware biases Use of different frequencies means more difficulties when fixing integers. Some broadcast negative frequencies!
Beidou “Big Dipper”
GPS only planning Nsats – Number of satellites PDOP – Position Dilution of Precision
Dilution of Precision A planning measure measuring the effect of satellite geometry wrt the satellite constellation. Smaller values are better. PDOP – Position (East, North and Up) GDOP – Geometric (E,N,U and Time) VDOP – Vertical (Up) TDOP – Time (Time) DOP combined with UERE to estimate positioning accuracy.
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