CharacteristicsFacts & figure ShapeSpherical Size ( diameter )1.4 milion KM ( 109 x Earth’ s diameter ) CompositionAbout 76% hydrogen, 22% helium, iron, nickel, silicon, and carbon make up the remaining 2% by mass. Mass1.989 x 10( 30) kg ( x Earth’s mass ) Density1.41 gcm (-3) ( compared with density of water ) AgeAbout 4500 milion years Distart from Earth km Gravitational force28 x earth’s gravity Surface temperature6000 *C Core temperature milion *C
The Sun
Effect s of the sun’s phenomena on the Earth
Generation Of Energe By The Sun The sun’s energy generated from deep within the core of the sun Temperature and pressure : extremely high Nuclear fusion takes place Hydrogen helium huge amount or energy
Galaxies Galaxies are giant structures that contain hundreds of billions of stars, Oh, by the way…There are billions of galaxies in the universe Galaxies contain single stars, double stars, star systems and lots of gas and dust between the stars. Astronomers classify most galaxies into three main categories: – spiral galaxies, – elliptical galaxies, – irregular galaxies
Spiral Galaxies Spiral galaxies have arms that spiral outward, like pinwheels tutorial/example_face_on_spiral.jpg HubbleBeauty/NGC1512BarredSpiralGalaxy.jpg
The Milky Way Our solar system exists in the Milky Way galaxy, and is about 25,000 light-years away from the center of the Milky Way Our solar system is about two-thirds of the way out on one of the spiral arms of the Milky Way We can’t see the center of the Milky Way due to the massive cloud of gas and dust between the sun and the center
The Milky Way
The Milky Way
Elliptical Galaxies Elliptical galaxies look like flattened balls Have little gas and dust between the stars so new stars can not form – Ellliptical galaxies only contain old stars jpegMod/PIA08696_modest.jpg
Elliptical Galaxy
Irregular Galaxies Some galaxies don’t have a regular shape, they are called irregular galaxies The Large Magellanic Cloud is an irregular galaxy main_image_feature_666_ys_4.jpg
Irregular Galaxy
Irregular Galaxy
Bintang dan Buruj
Relative sizes of stars
TEMPERATURE AND COLOUR orangered > *C *C *C6 000 *C *C4 000 *C *C
Twelve of the constellation from the zodiac
Perbandingan Bintang berdasarkan suhu dan Saiz
Kelahiran Bintang
Kematian Bintang
Bintang, Galaksi dan Alam Semesta
Penutup 2. Tasbih Kifarah. 1. Baca Surah Al-`Ashr