Constructs I am analysing Hannah as a centre in netball, centres as able to move throughout the whole court excluding the goal circles. They can be both defensive and attacking players. however as the only player who is able to travel the whole court their main aim is to keep the ball into their attacking half.
Shooting- Technical Shooting- shooting is defined as the action or motion of shooting; for example passing a ball through your hands. shooting is essential in netball, quick and accurate shooting is essential in order to avoid interception and defensive attack from the opposition. Hannah as a centre can develop shooting opportunities using effective tactics. for example in the attacking if the goal shooter needs to move into a better position to shoot they could pass the ball to Hannah, then quickly move into a better position and then be ready to receive the ball back from Hannah. making this quick and effective move opens a opportunity to have a more accurate and comfortable shot at the goal. 2DE6BE7A 2DE6BE7A
Agility- Physical Agility is a vital factor in netball, having the ability to move and change position quickly whilst maintaining balance and posture is essential to both react to the oppositions moves and to create quick and clean movement down the court. For the centre agility is essential they are responsible for moving the ball into their attacking half and creating opportunities to shoot therefore being able to react and intercept the ball or pass the ball swiftly to an open player is important within a game.
Marking- Tactical Marking- marking is defined as follows. To set boundaries and limits. for example setting boundaries and limits on the opposing players movements in order to keep possession of the ball. in netball it is essential the ball is kept in your teams attacking half. for Hannah she will be working both defensively and in attack to maintain possession of the ball, as she is allowed to travel the whole court she can help mark strong attacking players from the opposition or can even follow the oppositions centre to avoid them getting contact with the ball and them carrying it into their attacking half. Working as a team to defend and attack effectively is very important in netball, moving quickly and swiftly to operate tactics and therefore not giving the opposition the chance to intercept tactical moves.
Lung Capacity - Physiological Lung capacity is defined as the volume of gas that can be held in the lungs after a maximal inhalation. A healthy lung capacity is important in netball as is a very cardio demanding sport, it requires players to run around 60 minutes in most games. In order to maintain this level of fitness they need to be able to provide the body and working muscles and organs with a good supply of oxygen in order to reduce fatigue. This will benefit players allowing them to perform at their peak for longer periods of time in a game.
Psychological – Concentration Concentration is essential In any sporting game, having your head in the game is important to rule out distractions and in order to create or take opportunities that could otherwise be missed. Because of the agility and speed of netball players concentration from all team members is important. Centres essentially need concentration, they need to search for opportunities to intercept the ball and to defend the ball where needed. Reactions to the opponents tactical approaches can also be intercepted through the centre.
Velocity of Release – Biomechanical Velocity of release is the speed that something gets from one point to another. Within netball a good velocity of release is important as it determines how far and effectively the ball travels across the court and too another player. The quicker and cleaner the pass the more effectively the team can travel down the court without interception from the opposition.