Warm Up What do you think of when you see the term globalization? How do you think globalization affects you?
Friday, October 16, 2015 Objective: Students will be able to evaluate the effects of globalization on our society. Purpose: Globalization has significantly changed our society, which has yet to adequately adapt to these changes.
Challenges of Globalization Closely-linked financial markets Multinational corporations Have the capital to introduce technology to developing countries, offer jobs, train the labor force, and provide the opportunity for related services and industries to develop Some point out that most of the profits go not to the host LDC, but to the foreign owners of the corporation
Migration International Migration Each year, millions of workers leave less developed countries in the hopes of finding jobs in developed nations Most immigrants come legally, with proper visas and proof that they have jobs waiting for them Overall, immigration tends to cause economic growth in developed nations
Migration International Migration remittances: cash payments sent by workers who have migrated to a new country to family members in their home country brain drain: migration of the best educated people of less developed nations to developed nations
Ongoing Issues The developing world feels the need to have a greater voice in global issues Environment Versus Development Do we use resources now to promote development or save our resources for future generations? This dilemma can be seen in the debate over what to do in places such as the Amazon rainforest
Challenges for the United States A Changing Workplace Education: Workers need to gain the technical skills that are necessary to access, understand, and use all sorts of information in the jobs that are available in the American economy today A growing percentage of American workers are foreign born, although most are accepting jobs that Americans born here do not want Tougher global competition The need to innovate
Globalization: Synthesis Make a list of the main challenges posed by globalization and ongoing issues related to it. Study your list and pick the one challenge or issue that you think might be the hardest to resolve. Briefly describe why you think so.