Respect for Self and Others, Safe and Responsible Use Cyberbullying
Respect for Self and Others, Safe and Responsible Use What is Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying involves the use of ICT such as Internet and mobile phones to deliberately harm others.
Respect for Self and Others, Safe and Responsible Use Cyberbullying is an unacceptable behaviour.
Respect for Self and Others, Safe and Responsible Use Examples of Cyberbullying Sending offensive/rude/insulting messages or pictures (Case study 1) Deliberately excluding a person from online activities such as a chat (Case Study 2) Spreading rumours/ lying about someone (Case Study 3) Sending threats messages “Fighting” online using vulgar language
Respect for Self and Others, Safe and Responsible Use Preventing Cyberbullying Be polite to others online Never give out personal information online Never tell anyone your passwords, not even your friends Never open an from someone you don’t know or from bullies Don’t send messages when you are angry Source :FAQ about Cyberbullying,
Respect for Self and Others, Safe and Responsible Use Dealing with Cyberbullying Tell an adult / talk to a friend you trust Don’t respond to a rude/ mean or text message Stay phone, chat or free for a few days See more at
Respect for Self and Others, Safe and Responsible Use 3–Step Process Respect for Self and Others Safe and Responsible Use Guiding Principles Sense, Think and Act
Respect for Self and Others, Safe and Responsible Use Where can I get help? Approach your school teacher / School Counsellor Singapore Children's Society's Tinkle Friend: Touchline: