Updates on Knowledge Management of ProGED Vickie Antonio Senior Advisor on National Green Growth Policy and Climate Smart Locations And Raquel Capio Senior.


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Presentation transcript:

Updates on Knowledge Management of ProGED Vickie Antonio Senior Advisor on National Green Growth Policy and Climate Smart Locations And Raquel Capio Senior Advisor - Communication, Knowledge Management and Public Relations

Line of Intervention 1 Information and Awareness on GED ProGED Website

Home Page News on Upcoming ProGED Activities Dates of Upcoming ProGED Activities Links to downloadable Knowledge Products Good Green Business Practices Studies, Process Docuentation, Consultant Reports


News and Updates

Knowledge Hub

Resources to Greening GREEN Technology Services Finance

“Green enablers,” companies, individuals, organizations, and other professionals that provide support to enterprises in achieving their greening objectives Resources to Greening Finance ServicesTechnology Include retail or wholesale companies that supply a range of products aimed at improve the resource efficiency of businesses. Oftentimes, they offer expertise + products. TECHNICAL ADVICE TECHNOLOGY + TECHNICAL ADVICE

Green Technology Suppliers

Green Service Providers Individual Professionals/Consultants, Companies and Professional Associations Expertise: Clean production Energy efficiency Green architecture Solid waste management Wastewater management Pollution control Processing

Green Financing Institutions Description of the product Eligible projects Eligible borrowers Terms of the loan Contact information

All are downloadable and available in PDF format We continue to expand the database by fostering partnerships with national level organizations with members located nationwide – Green Architecture Advocacy, PCAPI (National), SWAPP We encourage the provincial offices to establish local partnerships and maintain their own databases – Reduce costs – Professionals that are familiar with the local conditions – May avail of after sales service

Knowledge Products Good Green Business Practices Consultant Reports Studies Process Documentation Whenever feasible, these are made available in print and electronic format Business Good Practices Process Documentation Studies Consultancy Reports

Proposed Knowledge Products for ProGED Video ProGED Book Compendium of Good Practices Infosheet More good practice documents?

Compendium of Good Practices TitleDescription Target Audience Status GIZ Counterpart DTI Counterpart ProGED Compendium of Good Practice – MFOs 4 –pager compendium of good practices resulting to DTI major final outcomes MSMEs (convince them to go green) DTI and other GED promoters (GED results to benefits to MSMEs) Production from Feb to April 2016 Writing, Layout and Printing Can BSMED co –share printing for Negosyo Centers?

Compendium of Good Practices TitleDescriptionTarget AudienceStatus GIZ Counterpart DTI Counterpart Financing Greening 4 –pager good practice showing different levels of financing greening MSMEs (convince them to go green; there are many levels of investments in going green) DTI and other GED promoters (GED can be done by MSMEs with different levels of financial investments) Production from Feb to April 2016 Writing, Layout and Printing Can BSMED co – share printing for Negosyo Centers?

Compendium of Good Practices TitleDescriptionTarget AudienceStatus GIZ Counterpart DTI Counterpart ProGED Infosheet Updated ProGED Info Sheet based on 2015 achievements DTI and other GED promoters (GED results to benefits to MSMEs) February to March Writing, Layout and Printing Info/supporting stories

More good practices? TitleDescriptionTarget AudienceStatus GIZ Counterpart DTI Counterpart Good practices of enterprises 4-pager good practice showing how greening practices benefited MSMEs MSMEs (convince them to go green) DTI and other GED promoters (show greening benefits MSMEs) 3 submissions from Agusan del Norte; open to all Editing and Layout Printing

More good practices? Compendium of good practices showing specific parameters: Several enterprises in a value chain Green location Universities supporting greening of MSMEs Service providers supporting greening of MSMEs Good practices based on specific greening strategies Can be done till August 2016, Initial ideas: Palawan for enterprises in a VC Negros Oriental on how universities promote greening among MSMEs Agusan del Norte on green location

ProGED Video

Details Consultant: Dreamline Productions Output: – Short version: 2-3 minute video – Long version: 7-10 minute video Target Audience – DTI – Enterprises DTI is supporting Objectives – To sustain the momentum of DTI greening programs towards convincing MSMEs to go green – To capture the achievements of the project based on the project objective and indicators.

Storyline Identify 1-2 (or up to 4) enterprises that ProGED has worked with from the beginning – Demonstrate their progression from a “brown” to a “green enterprises” – Highlight how they have achieved one or more of the DTI MFOS, namely access to market, access to finance, increased productivity and efficiency, or benefit from new policies due to BIEE

Storyline Show the project framework through CapacityWorks, lines of intervention and project activities. Include interviews with project partners where relevant – Cooperation/Project partners – Processes – Steering Structure – Learning and Innovation – Strategy – Project locations/sites

Storyline Project activities that we want to feature: – GED sensitization activities – Greening the VC workshop – Business matching Green technology exhibit, Speed matching, Green technology/GSP forum – GSPs assisting MSMEs – Award ceremonies – Greening practices of enterprises Demonstrate how greening has been integrated into DTI activities: – SMERA, Negosyo Centers, BUB

ProGED Book

Making Knowledge Products Available Beyond 2016 Maintain ProGED Website (Wordpress format) Transfer all KPs to DTI Website Maintain ProGED gmail account and store all knowledge products, including videos in google docs

Thank You