Chromaticity shift induced by misalignment of Landau Octupole Magnets Neal Anderson Department: BE-ABP Advisor: Rogelio Tomas Mentor: Ewen Maclean LHC
Accelerator Optics Design Orbit – Ideal path for the beam to follow around the LHC. Closed Orbit – Actual path the beam follows around the accelerator. (Differs slightly from ideal path) The actual path of a particle oscillates around the closed orbit in both transverse (perpendicular to the beam direction) planes. Beta Function – the envelope within which an individual particle path oscillates. It defines the maximum amplitude of oscillation. Closed Orbit Beta Function Actual Path of a Particle
Tune (Q) – is the number of oscillations (about the closed orbit) per revolution Revolutions Beam position (arbitrary units) Q = 1.00
Revolutions Beam position (arbitrary units) Q = 0.33 Rational tunes result in resonances, which multiply the effect of instabilities
Taken from Gluap Vertical Tune HorizontalTune Chromaticity: Q’ = dQ/(dp/p) Resonance Diagram. Tune Chromaticity
Magnets in the LHC Dipole Magnets Steer the beam Quadrupoles focus the beam Determine Beta Function and Tune Sextupoles correct the chromaticity Octupoles are used to damp other instabilities. Pictures taken from wikipedia
Motivation With Landau Octupoles Without Landau Octupoles Q’ and Landau Octupole Current vs. Time (Beam 1) (Beam 2)
How do octupoles affect chromaticity?
My project - Measure systematic closed orbit of Landau Octupoles and study resulting chromaticity shifts in 2012
Mean: 1.84 unitsMedian: 1.67 units
Conclusions Landau Octupole effect is larger and more frequent than expected Chromaticities caused by the Landau Octupole misalignment are significant enough to cause concerns for operation The LHC may decide to actively correct for this effect in the future
Acknowledgements Rogelio Tomas, Ewen Maclean, CERN Summer Student Program, U of M REU program Reference Edmond Wilson, “Introduction to Particle Accelerators”
Q = 0.51 Ideal tune is irrational The beam never returns to the same point twice Instabilities are evenly distributed and their effects are dampened