Wrap up and the road to formulation Brussels, 29 January 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Wrap up and the road to formulation Brussels, 29 January 2016

Contents 1.Wrap up 2.Way forward

Feedback from the meetings with Flemish academics Feedback / Overview per IUC/NETWORK Meetings as compared to proposed projects –Interdisciplinary interest –Not encountered match –Need for reorientation –General comments

Programme cycle – 5 year strategic planning phases / Annual Activity programmes 4 Country level Institutional University Cooperation Program me Cycle Phase In - Pre Partner Programme Phase 1 – Capacity Building Phase II PP: Consolidation and valorisation Phase Out YearO Partner ships

‘To do’s’ linked to next steps in the process 1.Appointment of Flemish coordinators, project leaders –Open call : 16 December 2015Open call –Deadline : 4 February 2016 –Overview candidates => south universities: at the latest by 08/02 –Advice & feedback (ranked) requested by: 15/02: AM Take into account, if possible, collaboration with different Flemish universities –Decision by the Bureau UOS : 26 February Local teams confirmed / programme manager to be appointed: early March 2016

Pre-partner programme proposal and contract 1.Agreement on pre-partner programme –South: draft version pre-partner programme by end of February 2016 (documents delivered on Monday 25/01) –Contracting (administrative): 1st week of March 2016 contract vlir-uos=> flanders + South university –Reflection on set-up of a management structure needs to take a start: What kinds of needs for PSU installation??

7 Step 3 - Formulation mission Define the data a.s.a.p. after appointment Flemish team First contacts North/South Proposal of Mission programme outline (see examples given on 25/2) – by 2 nd week of March 2016 Reflect on need of preparatory workshops (PCM, broad stakeholder consultations, other universities in case of network)

8 Formats for formulation of Phase 1 ( ) VLIR-UOS sends formats 1st week of Feb 2016 To be used during formulation mission Will be explained again at start of formulation mission, but you can already start preparing text, stakeholder analysis and risk analysis End of formulation mission: logframe, OP, risk analysis, budget and draft text

Important elements for consideration Partner Programme concept notes are proposals from the South and as such indicative or pre-match –Basis for formulation –there is room for change and improvement within the strategic boundaries (institutional, country strategic) –Flemish teams and formulation mission with project level workshops will bring new input Aim for and build upon a win-win concept! Think about synergies and complementarities Be receptive but dare to be critical and assist in shaping ideas jointly There is a programme behind the project: strive for synergy between the various projects

Preparatory year is a learning process Flemish coordinators and local coordinators encouraged to visit other institutions and exchange experience and systems Manage the expectations Prepare good communication guidelines, crucial for success Prepare the PSU staff and management procedures Guarantee high level university support

Timeline IUC / Networks – formulation phase ActionActorDate Open call for Flemish interest on the basis of South concept notes VLIR-UOS16 December 2015 Orientation and matchmaking eventVLIR-UOS and Flemish universities/university colleges 25– 29 January 2016 Submission candidacy for Flemish mandates (Coordinator and project leader) VLIR-UOS4 February 2016 Submission of advice by the local universities regarding the proposed Flemish candidates VLIR-UOS and local universitiesAt the latest by Monday 15 February Appointment of Flemish Coordinator and project leaders Bureau UOS26 February 2016 Administrative session with Flemish coordinators and ICOS / preparing pre-partner programme VLIR-UOS1 st week of March 2016 Start pre-partner programme (standard format )VLIR-UOS + Fl. University /local university 1st week of March 2016 Orientation session North for Project LeadersVLIR-UOS2nd half of March 2016 Formulation missionsLocal universities and Flemish delegation April 2016 (at the earliest Easter holidays) Submission of partner programme proposalsLocal universities and Flemish delegation 6 May 2016 Selection adviceSelection commission and Bureau UOS 2 nd half of May/ early June 2016 Funding decision (inclusion in multiannual framework/ country programmes) VLIR-UOSJune-September 2016 Start of programme implementationProgramme stakeholders1 January 2017