A brief history and overview of the 1 st of the canonical Gospels.
An apostle of Jesus A former tax collector Related to Abraham Jewish writer Born in Palestine Said to have died by an axe.
He wrote his gospel between 50 and 70 A.D. A Jewish Christian who was writing for Jews who became Christian Writes in midrash, a literary form that relates past scriptural events to the present. Though Matthew wrote for newly converted Christians, his message was for everyone. Loving one’s neighbor resisting temptation Forgiving others sacrificing material goods
Matthew’s Gospel can be broken up into 8 parts Genealogy Beginning of Jesus’ Ministry Jesus’ Ministry in Galilee Nature Miracles Performed by Jesus Prediction of Jesus’ Death Jesus Entering Jerusalem/Crucifixion Resurrection
Matthew did not include much of Jesus’ childhood, only the major events. Genealogy Conception of Jesus Birth in Bethlehem Visit of Magi Flight into Egypt Slaughter of the Innocents Return to Nazareth in Galilee Matthew only includes 6 stories while Luke includes 12.
The infancy narrative of Matthew is important for a few reasons. Displays writing style Shows synoptic qualities Proves Jesus is the real Messiah Matthew starts out with the genealogy Traces Jesus back to Abraham Identifies Jesus as being conceived immaculately
It is here we see Matthew write using Midrash for the first time. Also, Matthew’s writing of the flight to Egypt can be seen as a reference to Jesus’ life Constantly being persecuted Nomadic lifestyle
LINK Group 1: Matthew 8:23-27 Group 2: Matthew 8:14-17 Group 3: Matthew 15:22-33 Group 4: Matthew 15:13-21