Colorado Space Grant Consortium Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #3 Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #3.


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Presentation transcript:

Colorado Space Grant Consortium Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #3 Gateway To Space ASEN / ASTR 2500 Class #3



-Rush -Finish Spacecraft Overview -BalloonSat Overview -Next time Team Forming, HW 02 Due, and HW 03 Assigned Today:

-Who is here for the first time? -1 Minute Report, use same number and put full name on them -Attendance Sheet -Waitlist update - ITLL Access – Get it… - Sundays seem to work for everyone but one. - Best reason I can give as to why this class is rushed… Announcements:

- What is attitude? - Could you put the powerpoints on the website earlier? - Slow down with the slides… - Do we get our satellite back or is lost? - How do all the systems come together to work? - What kind of thermal protection will our project use? - How high does our BalloonSat go? - Purpose of the boom? - How do you control mechanisms? - Why can you use wood in space? - Which system provided the biggest headache on your projects? - Can comm. signals ever get crossed between satellites? - Do we have a final? - All the space terminology… 1 Minute Reports:

Colorado Space Grant Consortium Spacecraft Overview Class #2 Spacecraft Overview Class #2

One Minute Paper:

- Say you wanted to put this into orbit… Introduction: - What are the questions you need to answer to do this?

-Solar cells -Charging circuits -Distribution system -Control system -Conversion system Power:

- Is limiting factor on long missions - Station keeping - Attitude Control - Delta V burns (orbit maneuvers) - Atmospheric Drag - Different types - Mono-propellant - Bi-propellant - Cold Gas - Ion Propulsion:

- Can make or break a system literally - Three types of thermal control: Active, Passive, Do Nothing - Active - Heaters, heat pipes, thermostats, cryogenics - Passive - Radiators, insulation, surface finishes, conductive materials - Do Nothing - Usually a combination of first two Thermal:



-Command and Data Handling -The brain of a satellite -Is pretty dumb without software -Basically a home computer but much smaller and less of a power hog -Very difficult system, many unknowns and bugs C&DH:

-Consists of: - Motherboard or CPU - Firmware - Storage device or medium - Sub-nets or sub processors - Many sensors - Many interface boards C&DH:

- Programmers are worth weight in gold - Days of Voyager spacecraft are over - Today, satellites are very complex and so is the software - Software is usually last thing done - Last minute fixes are very dangerous Software:

- “Houston, we have a problem” - MOPS is the command center of the satellite - All human interaction occurs through this team - Much coordination is required to properly operate satellite - Failure modes determined FMEA - Data storage and analysis - All communication is done through MOPS - Usually staffed 24/7 Mission Operations:

- Management - Systems Engineering - Budgets - Contracts - Planners - Manufacturers & Technicians - Test Engineers Other:

Anatomy of a Satellite:

Colorado Space Grant Consortium Questions?

Colorado Space Grant Consortium BalloonSat Overview Class #3 BalloonSat Overview Class #3

32 - Started at Space Grant June Was a student at Space Grant Programs had advanced - Hard for freshman students to get plugged in - Sink or Swim Origins:

33 How it all started… - Western Regional Meeting in San Diego Fall Bob Twiggs introduced CubeSats - Great concept but… - 80 to 100 new students a year - $35K to $50K - Complexity - Seed was planted Origins:

34 What if students could get close to space? - Met Edge of Space Sciences (EOSS) in Fall 1996 Origins:

35 - Promise of recovery and 100,000 feet - Price was right - Many launches every year - Some of the same engineering challenges Origins:

With the combination of these items, BalloonSat was born Origins:

- BalloonSat is an excellent, low cost platform for “Walk” level student missions to the Edge of Space - A BalloonSat weighing up to 9 kg can reach 30 km (100,000 feet) - Students faced with many engineering challenges - Mach 1, -80 C, near vacuum, impact and burst - No microgravity but BalloonSat can be recovered BalloonSat:


- Ballooning is inexpensive - Helium (~$80) - Balloon (~$150) - You mostly control launch - Ballooning is inexpensive - Helium (~$80) - Balloon (~$150) - You mostly control launch Ballooning

When your balloon and payload ascend into the sky… Every student knows, their experiment is going where no one Every student knows, their experiment is going where no one - except astronauts - has ever gone before

BalloonSat Hardware: Digital Camera 555 Timing Circuit Datalogger & Temp Probe Batteries Basic Stamp - Digital cameras - Photodiodes - Solar Cells - Geiger tubes - Hand Warmers and Desiccant - Insulation

BalloonSat Construction: Aluminum Construction Foam Core Construction

BalloonSat Construction: - Velcro - Silicon Adhesive and Hot Glue - Aluminum Tape - Insulation - Venting - Condensation

BalloonSats -Easy to attach to balloon -Easy to track and Recovery -Fun for all -You will build one this semester

- Atmospheric radiation levels - Solar cell efficiency - Atmospheric soundings - Video imaging - High altitude effects on roaches - Digital sound recording of upper atmosphere - Temperature studies Past Student Experiments:

- Sites typically in eastern Colorado - Liftoff is 7:00 AM - 90 minutes up, 45 minutes down Launch:

Launch: Supported by EOSS gram latex balloon - Gaseous Helium (~2 K bottles) - Balloon filling system - Flight string - Radio Transceiver - GPS - Control Systems - Parachute - FAA notification

Launch Video:

Launch Review:

Launch Video:

BalloonSats -Typical launch


Burst: - Altitude variable - One of the most violent moments of the flight - Mach I Series of burst images - Altitude variable - One of the most violent moments of the flight - Mach I Series of burst images


BalloonSats -Interesting burst


Agenda: (Thursday)

Launch Review:

- Begins after launch - Can track real-time - Recovery complete same day Recovery:

- Drop Test - Cooler Test - Subsystem Tests - Functional Tests - Mission Sim Tests - Whip Test DO NOT FOCUS ON STRUCTURAL TESTING ONLY BalloonSat Testing:

Kick, Drop, Cool, and Whip

How high do commercial jet fly? How high is the ozone layer? What are the layers of the atmosphere? ~10 km ~20 to 50 km Environments at 30 km:

The 4 Layers of the Atmosphere: Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere

Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Environments at 30 km:

Capt. Joe W. Kittinger jumps from a balloon at 102,800 feet Forgot to mention, he exceeded the speed of sound with his body Environments at 30 km:

Temperature varies in all directions as you climb through the different layers of the atmosphere Why? Solar Radiation (UV, IR) - Ozone Absorbs - Surface Heats - Convection Environments at 30 km:

- Temperature can dip to -80°C - Biggest killer of past missions - Easy, repeatable science Environments at 30 km: Burst (30 km) Tropopause Coldest Launch Landing

- Over 200 student BalloonSats History and Results:

- 40 launches - 4,000 students - 96% recovery rate - 90% recovered with some data - 50% recovered with all expected data - Papers have been written and presented - More than 50% of students have continued with more research projects History and Results:

Launch Review:

-BalloonSats are excellent way to do hands-on research -Motivates you to go further -See importance of your education -Prepared to contribute to more complex projects -Have the confidence to take the next step BalloonSats:

-In Colorado, we work with a company called EOSS or Edge of Space Sciences ( -EOSS is non-profit organization -Total Launch cost $2,000 -You can launch your own -You will launch your BalloonSat this semester! BalloonSats

Colorado Space Grant Consortium Questions?