A present participle is formed by adding -ing to a verb. A past participle is usually formed by adding –ed to a verb. A participle can also act as an adjective to describe, or modify, a noun or a pronoun.
Participle Examples The robin was singing in the tree. (present participle) Our cat stared at the singing robin. (present participle as an adjective) Billy has tossed the water balloon. (past participle as a main verb) The tossed water balloon hit the sidewalk. (past participle as an adjective)
Participles Example Underline each participle. Explain if it is a present or past participle. The running guard caught the pass from Troy. 1.The nervous bird was pecking at the girl. 2.A printout of the results has been taped to the door. 3.The freezing lady put on her sweater. 4.The spilled oil spread over the floor. 5.By evening, they will have finished their assignment. 6.Everyone has wondered what the great detective was thinking.
Participles Example Underline each participle. Explain if it is a present or past participle. 7.Carol has rescued the trembling cat. 8.The elected chairperson must work hard. 9.David is throwing the rings at the milk bottles. 10.They found out too late that they had entered by the wrong door. 11.I made a running leap to clear the last hurdle. 12.The engaging film star has smiled and posed for pictures.
Participle Answers The running guard caught the pass from Troy. (pres.) 1.The nervous bird was pecking at the girl. (pres.) 2.A printout of the results has been taped to the door. (past) 3.The freezing lady put on her sweater. (pres.) 4.The spilled oil spread over the floor. (past) 5.By evening, they will have finished their assignment. (past) 6.Everyone has wondered what the great detective was thinking. (past, pres.)
Participle Answers 7.Carol has rescued the trembling cat. (past, pres.) 8.The elected chairperson must work hard. (past) 9.David is throwing the rings at the milk bottles. (pres.) 10.They found out too late that they had entered by the wrong door. (past) 11.I made a running leap to clear the last hurdle. (pres.) 12.The engaging film star has smiled and posed for pictures. (pres. past, past)