+ SOEL Teacher Research Session 6: April 1, 2015 Cathy Fleischer, EMU
+ Review of last time We shared our successes/challenges with interviewing We introduced ways to thematize and analyze data We read a chapter about analyzing data We talked about color coding, triangulating data, letting the data speak to us We tried this out through a play place exercise
+ Today’s agenda—and looking forward 4/1Work time on finding patterns/thematizing/analyzing Looking at products of teacher research 5/13What comes next? What do you do with your research? Celebrating and sharing our work thus far
+ For today, I asked you to… 1. Sort your data by strategy. 2. Read through your data and ask yourself these questions: What themes are emerging? Is my question changing? Do I need to gather more data? If so, what additional data would help? Am I able to triangulate? 3. Bring all your sorted data with you for today as we help each other through the process of finding meaning in your data.
+ 30 minutes of work time Either: Look for themes and patterns Color code your data Summarize what you’ve found so far Think about what data you still need
+ 15 minutes of share time Partner with someone who is not familiar with your work Exchange a piece of coded (or uncoded) data Read each other’s data and note what you see in the data Talk about what you noticed
+ Genres of TR: What comes next? Stations: 1. Parent handbooks 2. Articles 3. Presentation at conferences 4. Curriculum revisions Skim through each product What do you notice? How do these genres integrate the research? What other genres can you imagine? Discussion
+ For next time: Sharing/Celebration Create a poster or a document or an infographic or something else that shows us: Your question (and how it connects to one of the SOEL’s Big Learnings) A description of your data sources What your learned and what your audience might be for that learning (think elevator talk!) What kind of genre could you produce that would speak to that audience