Project: Making a poster about a historical figure.


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Presentation transcript:

Project: Making a poster about a historical figure

1. What do you think of the sentence that “The circumstances create heroes”? 2. Do you know Alexander the Great? If so, what do you know about him?

Alexander the Great 亚历山大大帝 公元前 356 年 7 月 20 日 -前 323 年 6 月 10 日

亚历山大大帝足智多谋,在担任马其顿 国王的短短 13 年中,以其雄才大略。东 征西讨,先是确立了在全希腊的统治地 位,后又灭亡了波斯帝国。在横跨欧、 亚的辽阔土地上,建立起了一个西起古 希腊、马其顿,东到印度恒河流域,南 临尼罗河第一瀑布,北至药杀水的以巴 比伦为首都的疆域广阔的国家。

创下了前无古人的辉煌业绩,促进了希 腊古文化的繁栄和发展、东西方文化的 交流和经济的发展,对人类社会文化的 进展产生了重大的影响。他是世界古代 史上最著名的军事家和政治家。

Read the article on page 58 and tell us the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 the discovery of a statue showing a result of Alexander the Great’s influence Alexander’s early life

Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 Alexander’s victories and death Alexander the Great’s influence on the world

Read the article again and answer. 1. Where was the statue discovered in Xinjiang probably from? Distant Greece. 2. When did Alexander become king? At the age of twenty after his father died. 3. What was his ambition? Taking control of the entire world.

4. Did his own army always support him? Why or why not? No. Because they grew tired of endless battles. 5. How old was he when his kingdom become the largest in the world? He was thirty years old. 6. What happened to his kingdom after he died? His generals divided his kingdom among themselves.

What do you think of Alexander the Great? Do you think he is great because he occupied more land than anyone before? Do you know any other famous person who played key roles in history?

Do you interest in philosophy? What do you know about philosophy? Who is the father of Western philosophy? What do you know about the father of Western philosophy? The father of Western philosophy

Socrates 苏格拉底 公元前 469— 公元前 399 苏格拉底,出身于雅典, 著名的哲学家。他被后 人广泛认为是西方哲学 的奠基者。

Read the article quickly and get the main idea for each paragraph. Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4 the meaning of philosophy brief introduction to Socrates Socratic Method — basis of modern philosophy and science reasons for Socrates’ death

Read again carefully and answer. 1. What does the word ‘philosophy’ mean? It means ‘the love of wisdom’. 2. Who was Socrates? The father of western philosophy. 3. What was his special way of teaching? He taught by asking hard questions.

4. What is the basis of modern philosophy and science? The idea of asking questions until you reach the right answer. 5. What do people think of him? He is considered as the hero of all people who search for the truth.

Language points 1. When asked how… no doubt this was a result of Alexander the Great’s influence. (lines 2-4, P58) no doubt 无疑,确实 e.g. He’s made some great movies. There’s no doubt about it. 他拍了一些非常出色的影片。这一 点是毫无疑问的。

2. In 334 BC, he… defeating every army that stood in his path. (lines 10-11, P58) stand in one’s path 阻碍(某人) e.g. No one can stand in my path. 没有人可以阻碍我。

3. Yet, in 323 BC, he came down with a fever and died. (line 17, P58) come down with 患(病) e.g. The girl has come down with a influenza. 这个女孩得了流行性感冒。

4. In many cases, his questions made his students aware of their own errors. (lines 12-13, P59) aware of 意识到,察觉到 e.g. She slipped away without him being aware of it. 她悄悄离开,没有让他发觉。

5. Finally, some people had enough of him, so they took him to court for questioning…. (lines 20-22, P59) have enough of … 受够了 …… e.g. I have had enough of your cute remarks. 你那些高论我已经听腻了。

take sb. to court for (doing) sth. 因某人做了某事而将其告上法庭 e.g. Jimmy was taken to court for robbing a bank. 吉米因为抢劫银行被告上法庭。

Before you make a poster about someone famous in history, you should do research on some important people in history whom you may know little about. Work in groups and discuss how to make the poster.

First decide: what period of history you want to focus on what country you are interested in what kind of person you are interested in who you will make your poster about

Decide which group member will be responsible for the following tasks: find the information about the person you want to make the poster about decide what information and pictures should be used in the poster

write the text of the poster provide pictures for the poster proofread the text of the poster before making it make the poster

present your poster to the class answer the questions the other groups have about your poster and the person your poster is about decide which group’s poster is the best