Jump Start: Lewis and Clark’s Expedition- Please Read Below
The Age of Jefferson,
Jump Start- Lewis & Clark 1. Have out your Movie Questions from yesterday. 2. Please make sure that all 12 questions are answered. 3. DO NOT ask someone for answers or offer yours to someone else. This is an individual assignment.
OL Lewis & Clark Discussion Questions 1. Explain two physical characteristics (mountains, rivers, etc.) that the explorers encountered on their journey. 2. Explain how these physical characteristics either helped or hurt the explorers’ on their journey. 3. Explain possible economic activities that this new land might offer? (How can they use the land to make money?)
PreAP Jump Start Using your movie questions from yesterday, answer these 3 discussion questions. Although there is not a length requirement, your answers need to be thorough and in complete sentences. You will have 15 minutes to complete them. 1. Explain two physical characteristics that effected the explorers’ journey, positively or negatively. 2. How might gaining this new land change the population distribution of the already established U.S.? 3. Explain possible economic activities this new land might offer?
Jeffersonian Philosophy Jefferson was determined to cut back on the influence of the national government ◦ laissez-faire government, or “hands off” Jefferson drastically cut the army and navy and end many taxes such as the tax on whiskey Also allowed the Alien & Sedition Acts to expire Was able to bring in money with tariffs and the sale of western lands.
The Election of 1800
Turn and Talk- 30 seconds What is the difference between a strict versus loose constructionist? Explain your answer to your shoulder partner.
The Louisiana Purchase
Louisiana Purchase (1803) Spain closed the port of New Orleans to U.S. trading and shipping France gained the land from Spain U.S offered to buy New Orleans but was offered the WHOLE territory ◦ Napoleon needed money for war Bought it for $15 million in 1803 ◦ Doubled the size of the U.S. Purchasing land not mentioned in Constitution… wasn’t Jefferson a strict constructionist ?
Turn and Talk- 30 seconds Is it okay to go back on your word if the effects are beneficial? Explain your answer to your shoulder partner.
Marbury vs. Madison Create this chart in your journal.
Jump Start Make sure you have out your journal and your Thomas Jefferson picture notes. In your journal, answer the following: 1.What are the 3 branches of government? 2.What is the job of each branch of government? 3.How do checks and balances keep the 3 branches from misusing or abusing their powers?
Marbury vs. Madison The night before he left, Adam’s appointed 42 new judges Adams’ Sec. of State failed to deliver all of the commissions (William Marbury’s was one) Jefferson told James Madison NOT to deliver the remaining papers Marbury sued Madison Ruling established the precedent of judicial review ◦ The Supreme Court has the final say in interpreting the Constitution Created the lasting balance between the branches
Marbury vs. Madison
Jefferson’s Foreign Policy Only planned to deal with domestic issues However, that plan was doomed to fail: ◦ U.S. involved in global trade ◦ Louisiana Purchase (1803) opened the country to westward expansion ◦ We had little control over the actions of other countries
Impressment At first, we benefitted from foreign wars: ◦ Louisiana Purchase in 1803 ◦ Trade increased French/British continued threats on US ships ◦ Neither wanted the U.S. to supply their enemies ◦ England set up a partial blockade ◦ Also started impressing U.S. sailors Impressment: kidnapping of sailors to work on enemy ships
Embargo Act of 1807 Trying to remain neutral, Jefferson asked Congress to pass a law stopping all foreign trade Embargo Act of 1807: ◦ American ships could not sail to foreign ports ◦ Closed American ports to British ships Hurt the U.S. more than it helped ◦ Farmers lost markets for their goods ◦ Merchants and tradesmen lost business
Four Quadrants FACTINFERENCEQUESTION Things you can tell just by looking at the section of the photo. These are facts that can be pointed out in the picture. Things that you can infer about the picture using your background knowledge and evidence from the section. Things that the section of the photo makes you wonder. Your questions might be answered w/additional sections. STUDY 1.With your partner, STUDY each section of the photograph carefully. FIQ chart 2.Fill in the sections of the FIQ chart w/information. As sections of the photo are added, adjust your chart accordingly. TITLE 3.Create a TITLE for the document. 4.Add document information to your chart.
9 Square Inference 5 FACTS3 INFERENCES1 OVERALL SUMMARY STATEMENT Things you can tell just by looking at the political cartoon. These are facts that can be pointed out in the picture. Things that you can infer about the cartoon using your background knowledge and evidence from the image. This is a general statement about the main idea of the political cartoon using both facts and inferences. STUDY 1.With your group, STUDY the political cartoon carefully. FACTS INFERENCES 2.Out of the five cards in your bag, you have 3 FACTS and 2 INFERENCES. FACTS INFERENCES 3.Sort these 5 into FACTS and INFERENCES. FACTS, INFERENCE 4.Using the cartoon, come up with 2 more FACTS, 1 more INFERENCE, and create 1 overall summary statement.
Jump Start: Marbury vs. Madison Marbury vs. Madison was a landmark __(1)__case involving the appointment of a __(2)__. Before leaving office, __(3)__ appointed 42 new federal judges but was not able to deliver their official commissions (papers that gave them the job) in time. The new president, __(4)__, refused to deliver the remaining commissions. One of the men who did not receive his commission, __(5)__, took this to the Supreme Court. Although they did not give him his commission, they did declare that the Supreme Court can rule laws __(6)__. This power of the Supreme Court is known as __(7)__.