I have inporve my writing in three ways By having my grammar check and having many people checking over my writing and helping me do better in writing then the third way that I have help me improve my writhing is checking where the commas, and periods are and much more
My reading has improved by a lot in the last year. By me getting to read books instead of tossing it to the side since we started R and E it has made me read more than I have read before.
I love l/a this year why it is that we have some laugh and we work to not just all fun and games so we have and we have papers that help us with our grammar and spelling so we know what to do when we need it
My goal for this class is that I can a`s and that my grammar and spelling can be awesome so that I feel that my goal is so import that I reach it and I hope I do reach my goal
How do I feel about my s.s experience this year? My s.s expiecnice is great it is my 2 fav subject we have so much fun and we are luring a lot in just one lesson we interact with many of our lesson so we learn faster if we have fun while learning
The most import thing I have lured is that chisterfur Colombians thought that the American Indians in Cuba he thought that they were the west indies in till some one firgerout that it was north American and he landed in Cuba
One of my most favorite activity in s.s is when our class pretended that we were in the colonial of willmianburg and we stareted at the governs place and then we went to the slaves quters and lurn a song called juba, then to the curch we were assined seat to how rich we were
My over all goal for this class is to have a good time in It,learn about our hristory and to have a good grade in it so that it is one of my beswt subjet in school
How do you feel you have grown as a learner from your water project experience. I feel that it is a great thing and expiernec that we got to do and have to do
My gourp work great we never had a problem about anything well all listian to our ideas never just hear one of our ideas we had a good time and made woth walied for the time we had
My favroite part about this is that we can make hard for us or make it easy in our own way that we never knew
My goal is to make it a easy and good subjet in my wzay not how anyone else tells me so I can get a good graed in it
I have feel great about this class and that it is inbraevcing our reading for our own tine so we can readed more then we would before