Toolkit for spelling, punctuation and grammar.. Overview  Background of the SPaG toolkit.  The SPaG toolkit.  Select and try a marking code.  Discussion.


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Presentation transcript:

Toolkit for spelling, punctuation and grammar.

Overview  Background of the SPaG toolkit.  The SPaG toolkit.  Select and try a marking code.  Discussion.  Feedback on post it notes.

Expectation  KC Ofsted Report 2012: Teachers do not always mark spelling and presentation well enough to help learners improve their literacy.  New Framework 2015: Teaching, learning and assessment support learners to develop their skills in English, mathematics and ICT and their employability skills, including appropriate attitudes and behaviours for work, in order to achieve their learning goals and career aims.  Professional Standards: 16 - Address the mathematics and English needs of learners and work creatively to overcome individual barriers to learning Apply appropriate and fair methods of assessment and provide constructive and timely feedback to support progression and achievement.

ATLC Project  During the academic year ATLCs completed research projects supported by the Education and Training Foundation and emCETT (East Midlands Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training).  What is effective practice in the marking of spelling, punctuation and grammar?  The outcome was a toolkit which would provide teachers with a choice of possible marking approaches. 

Feedback from staff The toolkit was piloted in two areas at college and the feedback was generally positive.  “Absolutely it helped me to identify issues to look for and it helped me to provide the students with focused feedback on how to improve”.  “Yes, my feedback had more meaning”.  “Yes I think it did – it meant that if they didn’t understand my marks they could refer to the marking sheet symbols for reference”.  “The toolkit helped me to focus more on SPG”.  “Yes, it gave me more focus”.

SPaG Toolkit  The toolkit consists of 4 documents.  The SPaG checklist.  3 marking codes.

SPaG checklist


Marking Codes

Task  Select level to correct.  Correct work using one marking code (A,B or C).  Feedback on correction code using post it notes.

Conclusion Where can I find the toolkit and associated information on SPaG?  VLE – Support and guidance for TLA  KC POD  David Didau -

Further Information If you require further support and guidance for observation visit the College ATLC VLE: Support and Guidance Teaching and Learning Visit the Inspire Centre at: Huddersfield - B (ext. 7751) Dewsbury - A308 (ext. 2324) Contact the Head of Teacher Development & Teacher Education – Philippa Firth ( )