James cook By: Rebecca Rogers
James was born in the year 1728 on October 27 died 1779 on February 14. James was born in Marton, England. James died in Hawaii. Life span…
Path: Comer brook, half way point, Freshman cove, lark harbor Comer brook, summer side, Cox cove With about 300 people. For John walker till 1755 Then James was on his own. Path took, with who, and for who? James wanted to go to sea to see the oceans beauty.
Reason for expedition.
king gorge the 3rd How it was all paid for
Found: Australia and new Zeland Effects: they were lucky the natives were nice people. What was found, any effects on natives?
His parents were James cook and Grace Pace. His kids were James Cook, Nathaniel Cook, Elizabeth Cook, Joseph Cook, George Cook, Hugh Cook His spouse Elizabeth Batts As a teenager James joined a coal ship. Other interesting facts
Book-Captain Cook, great explorations captain James cook three times around the world, world explorers captain James cook and the explorers of the pacific Web- Google Sources