ERGONOMICS Meaning Also called as - biomechanics - engineering psychology Its takes into account the following, - physical effects of work - design of equipments - human characteristics - human behaviour - human abilities.
Why More Effective Sets Guidelines Rational utilization Favorable environment Safety system Human comfort Quality of work life Fundamental Laws of Ergonomics emerged from Engineering Physiology Psychology Economics Work Study Social Sciences
Identified in terms of 4 major sub branches Human, machine interface technology – Hardware Ergonomics Human, environment interface technology – Environmental Ergonomics User, system interface technology – Software Ergonomics Human, machine, environment, organisation interface – Macro Ergonomics Application of Ergonomics The physical devices or equipments that people use The envt in which workers perform
Design of Physical devices The work environment - temperature - noise -lighting
Ergonomics as an aspect of your firm’s Total Quality Management effort The causes and costs of cumulative trauma disorders (CTDs) and how these may be prevented The role of ergonomics in improving quality, productivity, and work organization The capacity of ergonomics to address vital human resource issues such as today’s aging work force and the rights of employees with disabilities